Friday, March 16, 2012

The Time I Got Caught

Did you have a "I'm Caught" situation in your life?

I bet almost everyone of us has an "I'm caught" situation in their lifetime.  I don't mean caught and put in jail....I mean any situation where a teacher, parent, boss, etc caught you doing something you shouldn't have been doing!  I know I have some....and probably a lot if I just thought about it for a while.

Here's a couple that I can remember.  When I was teen someone bought a bunch of us girls a bottle (5th) of sloe gin (we gave the money for it).  We took that big old bottle to the country and started swigging on it....and continued until that was all gone.  Then I remember waking up in a ditch throwing up.  The next thing I remember (I wasn't driving thank goodness) is taking a really long time climbing the outside cement steps to get in the house.  I was probably trying to be really quiet when I opened the  front door....but I guess I wasn't because as I was trying to climb the staircase to my room (about 20 steps) I hear a voice behind was my dad.  I was not only in trouble but I was grounded for a long time and my car was grounded too ... for about 3 months.  YIKES....that was difficult.

Another time was when I drank green beer on St. Patrick's Day and tried to say I didn't.  There was green food coloring on my tongue and even on the front of my shirt.  Dang that green beer will get you every time!

I'm sure there were others which I better not even discuss......I'm claiming the 5th (and sure not a 5th of sloe gin either....can't drink the stuff to this day)!!

My History Mind Is Tired Today....It's taking
A Rest....Later....

 Let's Just Say Happy St. Patrick's Day.....Have A Great Irish Day....I'm part Irish on My Grammies Side.  She was a McDaniels and a fine Irish Lass. 

May you day be filled with Green Beer and Corned Beef or Fish if you want.  I know what I'm going to have......all of the above.

Take care
We are on vacation next week

So see you in a few short days!!

Time for an Irish rest!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

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