Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Post Is Not Spam

No Sirreeeeeeee My Posts Aren't Spam

It was so nice when Spam meant you could go to the pantry and get out this little oblong can with primarily dark blue colors.  And written across the front was SPAM.  But that word SPAM meant you had an edible product enclosed in your hand.  A nice little fake ham block of pressed meat which had loads of fat, calories and sodium.  I remember my family would slice that little SPAM block of meat, roll it in flour and fry it in grease.  And we would all eat it like it was the best thing on earth.  Maybe it was!  But in my youth, eating SPAM meant I was really a "spammer" simply because I ate SPAM!

Throughout the years I've seen contests for the bestest SPAM recipe.  Even the state fair has a SPAM cook off session.  Casseroles with SPAM
.... stand alone SPAM ..... Green eggs with SPAM probably.  All in the name of SPAM.  But, these days SPAM doesn't always mean SPAM in the means that you have become the worst critter on earth.....the internet spammer.

A couple of days ago  I started getting messages about Spam....and it wasn't SPAM the meat man calling at my door.  No it was the Spam police on the internet....telling me my message had just turned into a piece of Spam.  Well........forgive me but I'm not a spammer.  I'm simply trying to send a message.  

I've been called a lot of names in my life, but I have now gotten the world's worst name affixed to me.....a misnomer of course......but folks I'm officially a spammer.  Lock me in handcuffs and drag me off to cyber jail....let them cook for me, dress me and support me......but please don't call me a spammer!  I swear I didn't mean to.....I don't know why I did it....and I don't even know what I did to become a spammer.  Please your honor, the cyber judge, you must believe me.  Oh well.....I haven't received my cyber sentence but you know it will be harsh.  At least ten years in cyber prison......maybe I'll see a couple of our former governors there.

Old Tyme Greenview
Taken from the 1879 book The History Of Menard and Mason Counties:

E. L. SWINEY, farmer and stock -raiser, Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Greenview ; was born in Bath Co., Ky., July 28, 1823. His father died when he was 2 years old. He lived in Kentucky until he was 11 years of age, when he came to Indian Point, Menard Co., with Mr. Kennedy Kincaid. They brought a flock of sheep with them, which young Swiney helped to drive. He continued to live with Mr. Kincaid until
21 years of age. He received such education as the schools of that early day afforded.

In 1845, he bought 285 acres of land in Sugar Grove Precinct, upon which he has since resided. He now owns 700 acres of land upon which are good buildings. He was united in marriage with Melinda Johnson Sept. 10, 1846. She was born in Menard Co., Aug. 25, 1824. Her parents came to the county in 1823, and her mother, who is now living, is one of the oldest living settlers. Mr. Swiney is the father of seven children, five of whom are now living Emma, Elijah, Laura, Ned and Frank. Mrs. Swiney departed this life Feb. 9, 1877. Mr. Swiney is a stanch Republican in

ADAM SHARP, boot and shoemaker, Sweetwater; was born in Baden, Germany, Sept. 18, 1850. His father was a shoemaker by trade, a business he taught his three sons. In 1853, John, the eldest son, came to the United States, and located in the
village of Sweetwater, Menard Co., 111. ; he also lived in Missouri about five years. He died in 1878. Adam came to this country in 1872, and commenced working at his trade in the village of Sweetwater the same year. He was united in marriage with Bertha Kyle Dec. 11, 1877 ; she was born in Logan Co., Feb. 16, 1857. They have had one child Augustus, born Jan. 5, 1879, died April 12, 1879. Mr. Sharp came to this country as a poor German lad, but by close attention to his trade, combined with industry and economy, he has gained quite a competency. He owns a large shop, in which he always keeps a large and well-selected stock. He also owns one of the nicest residences in the village.

For years I have been making Caramels for the holiday season.  My kids have always fought over who gets the most caramels the point they count each piece in their Christmas candy container.  It's unreal they don't realize that I know how to count out two piles with equal amounts.....and these kids aren't kids...they are adults ... at least I thought so.  I'm sharing my Caramel recipe.  It makes lots and be sure to use a huge heavy Dutch Oven type pan or it might flow over the top when cooking.

Carla's Caramels
4 cups sugar
3 cups white syrup
5 cups half and half
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts

Mix sugar, white syrup and 2 cups half and half together on medium high stove.  Cook until soft ball stage (235 F) will take 30 to 45 minutes to do this stage.  When it is at 235 degrees, slowly add 3 more cups of half and half and cook to 238 degrees....constantly stirring and it will take at least another 30 minutes.  Upon reaching 238 F, take from heat and add vanilla and nuts, stir and pour into greased jelly roll pan.  Makes about 4 to 5 pounds.  When completely cooled (several hours) cut into small pieces and wrap in cut waxedpaper.  Store in an air tight container in a cool place.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO USE A HUGE HEAVY PAN TO COOK THIS AMOUNT OR IT WILL OVERFLOW!!

Thought For The Day

He who has a thousand friends
has not a friend to spare,
But he who has one enemy will
meet him everywhere.
--Ali ibn-Abi-Talib... 602 - 661 AD

Note: Me thinks this was a smart man way
back when!

Do you believe in the almighty horoscope?  Some do and some don't.  I used to grab the newspaper and the first thing I read was the daily horoscope.  I was a believer .... I just knew that tiny message was going to tell me the exact kind of day I could expect and if it said I was going to come into money....I knew that the lottery was on the way to my bank account.  After being disappointed about 2 million times I knew that Astrology and the Stars weren't fortunes....they were words in the horoscope field.  There for a build the firm believers' hopes and let them think they would surely be Queen For A Day on that particular day.

The energy of all of the planets in this world didn't make a difference in me receiving the lottery winnings I pined for each time I saw a horoscope message forecasting a fortune in my life.  Shucks!

I felt discriminated against.....the planet energy didn't like the color of my hair or my breath was bad.....or it had to be something because horoscopes don't lie.

I have grown older now and know that the words are meant to entertain....not shove some unstable person over the edge (I sure hope not!).

If you still firmly believe in those mighty horoscope words of wisdom and hope and fortune, I wish you good probably will need it.

Unfortunately I have been experiencing DSL internet problems.
My service keeps going off and on and things don't post right.
As soon as this gets fixed, I will doing a series of posts on theaters which were popular in Springfield.

This blog is protected under copyright laws.  Please abide by this.
Come again.


Anonymous said...

Interesting about the Swiney family...I don't recall the name, but 700 acres was a large farm for the time...wonder what happened to the family and if there current heirs in the area?

You are the first person I have known that actually liked the possible pork product known as Spam

Ken Dirks

doll lady said...

Ken...I really didn't like Spam but my dad did... in our house, each of us had to eat what was put on our least two of three bites, if you could do that without barfing. My brother once barfed on potato soup as he hated it. I don't eat Spam now.