Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Are Some People A Pain In Our Sides

There Are Nice People In This World and others....well!!!

 I have always tried to be a nice person, but I swear there are some people who would raise the dander on my poor old 13 year old dog.  That old dog of mine has dog friends who come around and poop in my yard that are much nicer than some people I have met in my life.

I personally think it's those persons with bad attitudes who make the worst come out in people.  Maybe they have a miserable life and just get their jollies by wanting to make others miserable too.  Sometimes these types of persons throw rocks at people who are a happy type of person because they want everyone's attention centered on themselves and they don't want others happy and nice.   To me this leans toward the cowardly type approach.

Long ago I learned in management classes in college that you must be a leader first.....then a management person.  You have to be a nice person and use honey to get things and not go the vinegar approach because it turns people off to your ideas.  But some peeps just see it one way.....barge in.....tell everyone their views and are convinced their views are right no matter what.....they direct everyone their it right or wrong.  Sorry Charlie...this ain't the way to get things done!!  Not in my book at least.

I'm certainly not ever going to change the world, but I can void these types from my life.  YAY ..... thank goodness for that.  I think these types should be put in a jar with a tight lid and never let out.  And if they are, flush the toilet when you're done. HA  HA HA

Sorry for the lateness of the post.   I had DSL internet problems since yesterday.  In view of this, today's post is short and sweet.  I will do better tomorrow.

Come again.

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