Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve, November 23, 2011

The Month Of Remembering and Being Thankful.

The month of November is always nostalgic for me.  It signifies a month in which a great president was murdered on November 22, 1963.  The Russians launched the first living creature (a dog) into space.

November 11 is Veteran's Day and is celebrated because this was the end of World War I.  Germany's Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989.  The general election is typically held in November so that people can exercise their right to vote.

Our former county resident Abraham Lincoln made his famous Gettysburg address in November, 1863.  And, President Lincoln was the president who declared Thanksgiving a National Holiday in 1863.

These are just things that have stuck in my mind for years about the month of November.  Of course how could I forget, it means big discounts and a huge amount of ads for the store sales on Black Friday and the start of the Christmas shopping season. The Monday after Black Friday is Cyber Monday. And of course it means Christmas is just around the corner.

By the time I get to this month, I'm usually pretty sick of winter and the start of large heating bills and winter hasn't even started.  But, this year, the weather has been rather nice during this month.  I typically did this year go.  Another year will have passed under my "old age belt" .... which seems to be getting rather tattered and worn.

But one of the most important things to me is the fact that this month has celebrated birthdays during my life which have importance to me.  My mama's birthday was on November 22 and this year she would have been age 99.  Another relative's birthday is this same day.

But ... Thanksgiving gets the big blue medal for being the most significant day for most people in our country.  It allows us to get together with family or friends to celebrate the festive occasion.  Wonderful food, friendship, comradery, Macy's parade, football games, naps after lunch, and general good times all go together like a turkey and stuffing.  They fit!

If you are traveling for the occasion, be safe. From my family to yours, may your day be wonderful and may you experience the joy and peace of a blessed holiday. 


Grandma's House
I like the taste of turkey
Anytime throughout the year
But it never seems
to taste so good
As when Thanksgiving is here.

Could be it's all the trimmings
That are cooked with it to eat
But I think it's
eating at Grandma's house
That makes it such a treat.
--Unknown Author


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