Monday, November 14, 2011

This Town Is A Farrago of People

Some people are good and some are ??????
It takes all kinds to complete the confused assembly (farrago) of people in a small town.  There are smart people in a small town and there are stupid people.  There are mature people with loads of experience.  There are mouthy people.  There are reserved people.  There are people who are relatives whom you wish you weren't related to.  There are those who are good friends whom you value much more than those who you wish were "unrelated" relatives.

There are those who unequivocally and unquestionably give their time to and for the town.  There are those who claim to do this but don't really.....just flap their gums about being top dog but maybe every once in a while do something.  Some give money for the town.  Some laugh at the request for money.  There are those who doubt the reasoning any time a subject is brought up.  As one friend once told me, there are those who like the lines of communication to be open so that others can be educated on a subject.  There are others who take offense if a subject is brought up and will do all they can to overreact instead of seeing the need to act and then acting to correct a situation to assure the result is in the best interest of others.  Some listen to a problem, but the majority won't and don't.  Some support others but many times there is no support from fellow townsfolk.

Some will let you and the world know their ignorance by shouting it out to bring attention to themselves,  while others hide and cover up their ignorance.  Some are dumb by choice, while others have a birth deficiency that renders them unable to think straight.
There are rich persons.  There are poor persons.  There are middle class persons who have trouble making ends meet.  There are highly educated people.  There are some who didn't go to college but are truly smart.  There are some who took a few classes and are also smart. There are persons with class certificates who took some classes but no degree but who think they have six college degrees and are smarter than anyone else and voice it too.

There are MANY immature people with the common sense that God gave to a goose.  In fact their common sense more closely resembles uncommon nonsense.  There seems to be lots of these in small overabundance in fact.  Those who don't mature will most likely someday find that immaturity doesn't suit oneself in this world and especially in the farrago of a small town.

Lately I have run into many of these types.  I try to ignore the small town (confused) farrago segments which don't meet my standards of being a quality person.  Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't.  If you recognize yourself in this description of the (confused) farrago, then you might live in a small town.  Perhaps here.  And if you did or do overreact, then you definitely fit!

Event/History Editorial
The Marbold mansion has been of great importance to this town for many years.  There are some who don't feel much or any effort should be set forth to save the mansion from the clutches of an outsider or from a person who wants to tear the house down to return the property to farmland in its entirety or built a modern house.  People who did not grow up here probably don't have the same attachment to the mansion as those of us who grew up in this town.  These same "outsiders" (for lack of a better word) and some of the younger generation might not be willing to exert any effort and may spurn any contact relative to help in saving the property for history sake.  They may see no reason to try to save a building, and probably want progress to modernize and go forward with everything new.  They may feel it is best to spend for the future rather than waste for the past.    But if you think about it, those who are ignorant of history may be doomed to repeat it.

History is important.  There are those who definitely don't think so.  To them it's just a bunch of old dates, old people, old buildings, old papers, old everything.  But, it isn't  simply a litany of dates, dead people and places.   History tells the story of what once was and what life was like long ago.  Even though we weren't there long ago, our mind can picture what it must have been like.  And, by looking at the documentation, or the structures, or the buildings we can see the value of history.  I once read that "we are the past".  If we study history, we know why we are here, and where we came from and why.  You can't know where you're going unless you know where you came from. And, it's a true fact that history repeats itself.

History reveals intrigue, twists of fate, love and love triangles, coincidences and repetitive situations.  These can be exciting, funny, sad, or just plain stupid, but it all is history.  For every day you live on earth, you are creating your own history.  We are history itself.  Everyone should document their own history for your future generations of your family, but few do.  It seems people shy away from history and it's not the most favorite subject.

I personally am not for those who desire to make a profit by using others to research and document history.   There is usually something lost in the translation and wrong things are published.   History can better be documented by the personal experience of researching and talking and digging for exact facts rather than from using others to realize their own personal gain from local history.  Yes, document history but, do your own work.

The Marbold mansion is for sale.  Over the years, the Marbold Association has diligently held meetings and events in an attempt to keep the spirit of the Marbold Mansion and the family history alive.  But now a threat exists.  The Marbold mansion could be sold to a person who doesn't care about the history and one which will not allow those with a valid interest to proceed in the preservation of the past for the future generations of our town.

A meeting relative to the Marbold Mansion is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, 2011 at the Baptist Church on Route 29, 7:00 pm.  If you are from the older generation, this preservation is most likely important to you.  Perhaps this generation of persons who care about saving the Marbold history is a dying group of persons and eventually the Mansion will fall into the hands of an uncaring person, but don't let this happen while a generation of caring souls still exists.  Do what you can to help the Marbold Mansion purchase become a reality.  Attend the Marbold Mansion meeting and help save it. 

I love fried apples and especially from the Cracker Barrel.  I found a copy cat recipe which I use.

Fried Apples
2 cups apple cider
4 large Golden Delicious apples 1/2" wedges (some I peel)  or,  can use Granny Smith Apples
1/2 cup apple cider
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon apple pie spice
4 tablespoons sugar

Combine first measure of apple juice and apples in a medium skillet. Simmer gently and turn apples often with spatula until fork tender but not mushy. Remove with a slotted spoon to oven dish. In blender puree 1/2 c apple juice, cornstarch, spice and sugar. Blend a few seconds until smooth. Stir into hot juice in skillet and cook, stirring constantly on med-high until it bubbles and becomes thickened and smooth. Turn heat off. Pour over apples.
Serve warm as side dish or dessert. Refrigerate to use in a few days or freeze.

Thought For The Day
The only source of knowledge
is experience.
--Albert Einstein

As I grew up and even during my older years I've always wondered if there is life on other planets.  When I was young I always thought that  spaceships were always landing and snatching people and then returning them to earth with things implanted in their body.  I think I watched too much Twilight Zone back then.  But maybe they did.  In my life I've seen many people who acted as if they were from another planet. 

Since we are on Earth, it seems the chances of life elsewhere would be pretty high.  Maybe not like us, and maybe more intelligent than us and maybe not.  Since there have always been sightings of UFO's there seems there would be a reason for this.  Is this proof of life elsewhere??

Perhaps thinking there is life elsewhere is dream play for the mind of earthlings.  And maybe not.  If other life exists, most likely the life wouldn't be the same shape or form as us.  Thus far we know the moon doesn't have green men nor is the moon made from green cheese because earthlings went there.  We also know that the samples taken from Mars were interesting but no pictures were taken of walking and talking Marslings.

Perhaps one of these days we might find life exists on another planet.  Then, maybe this would be a good place for the politicians to be sent which have outlived their place in politics.  Just sayin.....

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