Tuesday, August 2, 2011

How Many Tuesdays Are In A Year

There Are 52 Tuesdays & Sometimes 53
It's surprising how many times a person can use the word Tuesday.  And here I thought it was just the name of a day of the week.   I've aways thought Tuesday was such a boring thing.

Fat Tuesday is Mardi Gras in New Orleans.  "Gras" is French for fat and Mardi is French for Tuesday.  Fat Tuesday always occurs on the day before Ash Wednesday.  If you've never been to Mardi Gras, you should go sometime, but watch your billfold gents....pick pockets galore.  This same day in Europe is called "Shrove Tuesday".

There is Ruby Tuesday where you can eat.  How about Tuesday Weld, the famous actress.  Tuesday Morning is a gift store and we have one in Springfield.  There was a funk pop band named Tuesday in Chicago.  There was a movie named "Tuesday".  Down in St. Louis they have band concerts in Forest Park by the MIssouri HIstory Museum and call this "Twilight Tuesdays".  And older persons will remember "Black Tuesday"  which was the great Stock Market Crash in 1929.  Super Tuesday refers to the day primary elections are held.

Tuesday supposedly is named after a one-handed God named Tiw who was a war god and used to be as well known as Thor and Odin.  In Greek mythology a huge wolf named Fenris bit off Tiw's hand.....he lost status as a god....but he's still Tuesday/Tiw.

Songs with the word Tuesday are:  Ruby Tuesday by the Rolling Stones; Love You Til Tuesday by David Bowie; Tuesday's Gone Lynyrd Skynyrd;  Tuesday Afternoon by Moody Blues;  Sweet Tuesday Morning by Badfinger; Tuesday Morning by The Pogues;  Tuesday's Dead by Cat Stevens; and Sun Come Up It's Tuesday by Cowboy Junkies.  All good songs.

In Chicago there is an organization called Tuesday's Child which helps families in need.

Tuesday in Spanish is martes.  For French we learned above it is Mardi.

I bet you didn't know how popular Tuesday is/was.  A lot of people probably think of it as boring, or the day before hump day or the third day of the week.  Or, maybe it's just a day with no particular meaning.

From the popular nursery rhyme "Monday's Child" which has been used to teach children the days of the week, it says Tuesday's Child" is full of grace.  I imagine this means full of God's grace and therefore, it probably implies you have the blessing and protection of God.  How wonderful!  If you don't know if you were born on a Tuesday, I'm including a pertpetual type calendar site so you can check to see what day of the week you were born....under "free plain calendar", just put in your month and year and a calendar will come up showing the whole month. 


Tuesdays seem to come in a fancy wrapper rather than the plain wrapper the other days might have.  The day can be boring if you want it to be....or it can be exciting.  You decide!

Gossip or Whatever
Yesterday I had the privilege to see a long time resident of Greenview, Mr. Gerald "Stitch" Ishmael as well as his son Larry.  I occasionally visit the Mason City Area Nursing Home to visit friends I made when my sister was a resident.

I walked into the cafeteria and there they were.  His son recognized me at the same time I recognized them.   (I spent a lot of time at their house as a young girl, with his daughter Karen.)   Stitch is just about blind so he asked who it was......he was delighted to "see" me and asked how I was and said I looked great.  I said.....Stitch I'm fat but doing alright.  He laughed.  He asked me if I knew how old he was....I guessed age 90 but he said no he was age 99.  He has some rotator problems and some leg problems but he looks great for his age and his mind still works good.   I'm so glad I saw both of them....and wanted to tell you all where "Stitch" is.

Old Tyme Greenview and Local Stuff

Does anyone remember the car I got for my high school graduation?  It looked just like below.  Ask the two Jodys about my car.....they once took it for a joy ride while I was working.  LOL

Dome Building Illinois State Fairgrounds
Era 1905

This was something embossed on the
back of photographs taken by this Greenview/Petersburg
photographer....W. N. Sweet

Marbold Farmstead Atlas Map 1874

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight
With the harvesting of the garden comes lots of vegetables.  I happen to have two large green peppers which are just begging me to fix stuffed green peppers.  So I will!!

I take out the core and cut the bottom so they stand up straight.  Put them in  a pyrex round casserole dish and fill with water almost to the top and stick them in the microwave for 5-6 minutes and then empty the water from the casserole.  This is done to pre-cook them so it doesn't take so long in the oven.   I found in my early cooking days that if they are not pre-cooked some, the green pepper wasn't done but the stuffing was so I figured out I needed to blanch the peppers.  After blanching,  I just make a meatloaf mixture and stuff it into the green pepper  (meat is raw when stuffed). 

Bake the pepper/meat for about 25 minutes at 375-400 and then put ketchup on top of the meat.  Most of the times I drain the water/juice and put a can of tomato soup mixed with 1 can of water around the peppers and finish baking until the meat and ketchup looks brown and yummy.  I used the tomato soup as gravy on mashed potatoes.  I got some corn from the rack wagon north of Greenview at $3.50 per dozen......and, it is wonderful, so tonight we're having some more corn on the cob too.   Happy Eating!

New Word For Today
Another word from the newly coined list:  Vook - A combination of video, text, images  and social streams in an electronic book.

New Spanish Word/Phrase
Buenas Noches -  Good Evening

Thought For The Day

The Earthly paradise is where I am.

Another day is passing.  It is amazing that August is here and already stands at day 2.  The days seem to run trills up the scale just like a fast piano trill.... the tremble in old father time is a definite quavering in the passing of time.....fast and without sound but with a bit of tremble as we age.  In my opinion, time is going to pass anyway so we might as well pass the time in high fashion.

I recall the old sayings:  Time is free, but it's priceless.  You can't own it, but you can use it.  You can't own it, but you can spend it.  Once you've lost it, you can't get it back.

Timing is the name of the game....an unreachable thing becomes reachable.  Don't ever pass the time living someone else's life....liv your own life the way you want.  Over time, people pass in and out of your life....be sure to tell them how much they mean to you.

Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. 

Time will tell.....I will see you next "time".


Anonymous said...

Good reading again, Carla. Just spent about 1 hour with Ron Wahlbrink. He and my father-in-law shared a table at Sunny Acres. Ron is pretty sharp, we usually have a pretty good talk.

Rick Setzer

Anonymous said...

Rick....Stitch asked me about your dad....I told him I hadn't heard how he was....to which Stitch said "I heard he wasn't doing too well". Stitch is still pretty sharp. Glad Ron is able to still carry on a good conversation. I will mention he and your dad in my blog sometime this week. Carla

P.s. thanks for being one of my readers Rick. It helps to know that there are those who are reading and enjoying it. I find it hard to judge if I'm on the right path when I don't hear from folks. :)

Anonymous said...

My Dad is better now than he has been in a couple of years, as to being on the right path, you are doing great.
Rick S.