Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is It Imagery or Guided Imagery

You Might Be Saying What Is Imagery?
That's pretty means I use vivid or figurative language in my posts....and as a result, you have these pictures in your mind of what I am referring to. 

When I describe a memory of what happened in Greenview, you might be picturing what happened in your mind and actually seeing the location in Greenview and perhaps actually seeing the actual event I'm talking about.  What I used was a form of guided imagery.....because I asked you to remember something and then you imagined the picture in your mind.  If I told you that yesterday I saw a yellow tiger with a 6 foot tail, and had long green teeth and he was sitting on top of the memorial arch in the park, most likely many of the readers would actually form a picture of that tiger just as I described him....and he would be sitting on the memorial arch in the park too....just as I said.   And, if I also asked, "can you smell the rank smell coming from that tiger's body", I'm using guided imagery....trying to get you to actually smell him.  Some readers would actually smell the tiger sitting there and others wouldn't because they are harder to sway into my imagery.   All of this is imagery folks.

Imagery is used in writing all the time.  The writer intends to use vivid and descriptive language to get you to actually put oneself into the story.  If I was telling you a story about a young girl lost in the woods and she came to a fragrant apple orchard, smelling of apples and sometimes a whiff of cinnamon was in the air, I would be wanting you to picture in your mind the orchard and actually be in the apple orchard with the young girl, smelling those apples and waiting for the whiff of cinnamon.  Sometimes I can use words to actually make a reader be there in the story and sometimes I find it hard to do.  I guess my imagery wordiness gets out of whack sometimes.

I love to read a story from a writer who uses a lot of figurative language so I have pictures in my mind.  I can better relate to the story.  So.... the next time I have a memory session in my posts, sit back and let your mind wander back in time when you read my picturesque words.  You can be right there, back in time, and right there in my story....right where I want you!!

Writers get paranoid at times....and especially when people don't say a word back,  It's hard to tell if an article went over or slid down the garbage chute....because no one said one way or the other.  If it's garbage which is coming out in the posts, I want to know...and if it's good stuff I want to know so I can continue to go down the paths of righteousness.

I found a rating indicator on the blog site, so I attached it.  It's down by the comments at the has only three ratings, and unfortunately doesn't have a "it sucks" rating, but I'm still looking around for an indicator that has a poor rating too.  I really need to ask that each reader go to the indicator and rate the blog post each day.  If it's bad, don't hit the indicator, just ignore it.....but if it's half way pleasing, give me a rating.  I need this to satisfy my ego (as if my head isn't big enough now)!   I spend many, many hours writing this and need to be assured it's worth it. Thanks!

Old Memories of Springfield, IL (for a better look at the pictures, simply click on the brings up a larger size...some can't be increased)

Abraham Lincoln Hotel Lobby
I know I went to a prom or a prom dinner but
can't remember which one.

The old Kresge's Downtown, corner of
Adams and 5th....later was a K-Mart.  I remember
shopping there as a young kid.

Lincoln Center 1965, North Grand between 1st and 2nd
They had wonderful pancakes.

Walgreen's 6th and Monroe....looking north
towards the old Herndons store.

Old State Capitol 1966, downtown,  when it
was dismantled for restoration.

Pillsbury Mill 1964.

Dew Chili Parlor 1950's, almost to South Grand on 5th Street, left side.

The original Capitol Airport Terminal.
I remember going there as a kid and standing on an outside
upper deck to watch the airplanes.

Leland Hotel, 6th and Capitol, where the horseshoe was
made for a later story about the
horseshoe and a recipe too!

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight?
Since it's cooler today, we're having a good old turkey breast, baked to perfection then sliced.  I think we will have panini sandwiches on French bread then toasted on my panini grill.  You don't really need to have a panini grill....just brush some olive oil on the bread and grill it in a Teflon pan.  Potato salad seems right for today along with some homegrown sliced tomatoes and maybe some cucumbers fixed one way or another and orange jello with shredded carrots and crushed pineapple.  A cool and collected meal!

Learn A Word A Day
To make Greenviewanites the smartest in the county!

New Word - lapidary = relating to precious stones or the cutting and polishing of them.

New Spanish Word - un paquete = package

Thought Of The Day  

Time is the coin of life.
Only you can determine how it will be spent.
--Carl Sandburg

After a good rain, I find myself always looking for a rainbow.  I guess that started when I was a child, when I couldn't wait for it to stop raining so I could go look for that beautiful and colorful thing up in the sky.  I had always heard that there was a bucket of gold at the end and I wanted to find that bucket so I could have some money to buy some candy down at Johnson and Denton's or Whit's Drugstore....or maybe a hunk of bologna at Punch's so I could see Esther's blue hair.

My rainbow search goes on and sometimes I go to the Google Rainbow search site so I can do my daily internet searches on a Rainbow Colored's that site if you're interested:

When things are done in the color of a rainbow, life seems brighter and more livelier and even more fun.  The power of the rainbow can be overwhelming sometimes.  Colors can affect your life so much.  When you wake up in the morning, you see color ( unless you suffer from colorblindness).  Life is just full of color.  I see the same sun as anyone in the world when we wake up in the morning.  Its color is bright and warm and then in the evening we see the beautiful colors of the sun setting in the west.  Sometimes you just stop in your tracks and and are amazed at the beautiful sunset and its rich colors.

Good things rest in colors.  By looking at the world with blinders off, your life can be enriched.  And, searching for a few colorful rainbows can be good for your health.  It can make you happier and sometimes make your life more livable.  I'm not sure you will be able to find that bucket of gold I've been searching for all of my life, but the search for a more healthy and happy world of color, makes sure we don't sit and decay in the dark.


Anonymous said...

The pictures you posted are wonderful!! What memories they impart.

Thanks, Carla.
Charlotte :)

doll lady said...

Glad you like them....when I find an old picture I keep it so I can use it to prompt memories.....LOL