Thursday, August 18, 2011

You Better Quit Thinking It's Friday

I Bet You Thought This Was Friday!!

Wake Up ....It's Thursday!!

Good Golly It's Only Thursday!  I'm two cups of coffee short of being able to function to my full capacity, and my left ear has suddenly started itching.  Now I wonder what that means? 

I know if my left hand itches it means I'm gonna win some money or it's going to come to me somehow.  You better believe when that hand goes to itching like it does when you have poison ivy,  I'm out the door and on my way to Casey's to get a randomly chosen Quick Pick Lotto fact, if the durn hand is really itching, I don't even care if I haven't changed from my smart little blue shorty pajamas with green frogs on the pants and a huge frog on the shirt just across my bosoms.  Have you ever seen me down at Casey's dressed like better believe me, you don't want to.  I just hurry in and hurry out, running back to the car.  I don't even comb my hair before I leave home.  Back a few months and right after I had a hip replacement, I also had those dang ugly white elasticized embolism stockings going up my leg too.  They sure looked cute with my frog pajamas bottoms....NOT!

I remember one time telling my doctor that when my hand itched it meant that I was going to win some money, so I would always jump in the car and go buy a winning lottery ticket.  He smiled the biggest smile and promptly looked at my hands I guess to see if my hands were swollen, red, blotchy, or had a rash.  Maybe he thought I might have something like the weebie geebies.....but he finally just shook his head and asked what pharmacy I wanted to use when he called in a prescription for Paxil.  I said "Paxil"....why would I want to take that anti-depressant?  "Will that stop my hands from itching cause if it does, I don't want it."  The doctor smiled and when he went out and was closing the door I heard him burst out laughing.  I have the feeling he thought I was crazy telling him I was going to win money when my hands itched.    I didn't fill that Paxil prescription, cause I didn't want to do anything that would stop my from itching on lucky palm itching day.

Thursday usually isn't my luckiest day but since my ears are itching, I just know that my hands will probably start itching too.  I'm going to go get dressed because it's getting late and time to shed these frog pajamas.  Besides, Thursday is almost Friday and then it will be Saturday, another Lotto Day in our State Lottery.  Time to go get some winning lottery tickets.  And, I need another cup of coffee to get another caffeine boost....or maybe I've had too much....maybe that causes itchy ears.

Old Tyme Illinois State Fairgrounds
The fair is currently running so I felt it was an appropriate time to show you my old pictures of places on the Illinois State fair grounds. 

Penny postcard from 1905, IL State Fair

Penny postcard...what was called the ampitheater
IL Fair Grounds - unknown date

Original Grandstand IL Fair Grounds

Penny postcard 1905 of Sears Agricultural Building
at Illinois State Fair Grounds 

1902 IL Fair Grounds

Main Gate 1947 IL Fair Grounds
Constructed in 1900

Exposition Building 1900 IL Fair Grounds

Current Main Gate IL Fair Grounds

Only a few more days left to go to the fair.
Sunday is the last day to get your
cotton candy, caramel apples, corn dogs,
Sutter's french fries and salt-water taffy.
See you there!

Did You Know??

Do you remember the old Shakey's Buffet in the Town & Country Shopping Center?  Several years ago it was sold and became Diamond's Buffet.  Diamond's Buffet closed permanently on August 6, 2011.  No more Mojo Potatoes in Springfield.

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight?
I have errands all day today so it's cook's night off.  I'm bringing something home from somewhere.....and I don't know where.  Maybe Chinese, maybe Mexican, maybe ??????

Learn A New Word
So that Greenviewanites can be the smartest in the county.

New Word:  fatuous = foolish or inane, especially in a complacent and smug manner.

New Spanish Word:  el pan dulce = pastry

Thought For The Day

I touch the future.
I teach.
--Christa McAuliffe

If an Angel reached out and touched you, what would you do?  Would you fear that the Angel might be coming to guide you on the last journey? 

I believe that Angels are by our side at all times.  Maybe some persons don't believe this, but what other reason would it be when I sometimes feel a light touch and no one is there.  Or, maybe my hair slightly blows, but there is no wind. Maybe it's not an Angel,  but a higher being.  I don't know for a fact what it is, but it's something.

As I go through my day today, I'm hoping that my Guardian Angel is watching over my every step.   Perhaps these Angels are near people on earth to tell the people of God's love and, to mind us that he hasn't forgotten us.  If an Angel touched me, I would smile and maybe shed a tear, for I know that someone from above cares.

A beautiful song:

Don't forget the rating indicator at the bottom.

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