Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Silly Thoughts Silly Sayings Silly Me

Just Silly Things.
Did something silly make you smile yesterday?  Did you see a silly thing happen?  Did you say something silly?  What the heck is the word silly?  It's silly that's what!  It also means "no good sense", "no responsibility", "showing lack of wisdom", "foolish", showing lack of good sense", "weak in intellect"....etc, etc. ..... Well I don't agree with this definition.....because I think the word "Silly" is a cool word!

If I think about being and saying silly things, then I guess I definitely fit that definition of "silly" because I like to say silly things, I like to act silly and and I guess some of you probably fit that definition too!  I say that because I know you all can't act nice all the time and keep your mouth saying only dull, non-silly things.

When I was a kid, there were some mighty silly things that I always heard were the gospel truth.  How about these silly things I thought were real when I was a kid:   1)  if I stepped on a crack I would break my mother's back; 2) if I swallowed a watermelon seed, I would have a baby....the color of the seed.  3)  if I covered my head with blankets, the spooks in my room couldn't get me!  4) if I was bad through the year, I would get coal in my Christmas stocking.  5)  there was an alien who lived out by the cemetery and if you went there your watch would stop  (I thought aliens were watching us); 6)  I could find a bucket of money at the end of the rainbow; 7)  the Russians were going to bomb us; 8)  I believed in the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus (and still believe in Santa Claus!); 9) I believed that a four leaf clover would bring me luck; 10)  I believed those magic tricks were real and that lady really got sawed in two pieces; 11)  I believed if I didn't watch the water, it would boil faster;  12)  I believed that the front of cars looked like people; 13)  find a penny, pick it up, and all day long, have good luck; 14)  if I wished upon a star, my wish would come true; 15)  I believed that my "Magic 8 Ball" really told my fortune; 16) if I cut the tag from a pillow that said do not remove, that I would go to jail; 17)  if I ate the bread crusts, my hair would curl; 18) I really believed that once you're dead, "the worms crawl in and worms crawl out and the worms play pinochle on your snout"; 19)  I believed someone came out of the side of the fireplace and took my can of pennies; 20)  if I pulled the lightening bug apart and put the light part on my finger, it turned into a diamond ring.

These are just some of the silly things a kid can really believe in.  At least I did.  But not only did I believe in silly things, I said silly things to my friends and family.  Some of those were:  1)  while the cat's away, the mice will play and we have lots of mice at home (we really didn't); 2)  don't swallow your gum, or it will wrap around your b_tt and you won't be able to poop; 3)  I'm going to tell my dad and he will beat up your dad; 4)  I can do tricks on my horse (we had a pony not a horse and, I could stand up on it, but that's all);  5)  I called  a shot needle a hypernoodic nordle;  6)  I called spaghetti pusghetti; 7)  I told the teacher my mom was taking a PTA bath (I thought my mom was going to a PTA meeting because she said she was taking a PTA bath....she wasn't and it really meant she was bathing her private parts);  8)  that woman who lives down there, is really a witch who brews witches brew with frogs.

Do you remember any things similar to my lists?  If you had a creative mind, you probably were just as silly as I was.  Maybe even more silly.  But what the heck, we were kids.  But, what about now.  I still say some silly things and do some silly things and still believe in some pretty silly things.  I guess I just will always be silly.  I guess I have the "silly malady" of the old age sillies.  Not sure if there's a may have to put up with me this way.

A Look At An Oldtime Springfield Businesses

Reisch Brewery

These are some pictures of the old Reisch Brewery which was in Springfield.  Franz Sales Reisch was the person who built the brewery in the 1840's.  He bought an acre of land in Springfield at 2nd street and 2nd avenue and built the brewery, including an underground cellar where the beer could be fermented, a well, the aging vats and a 3 story building....he did all the work himself.  He cut ice from ponds in the winter to keep the beer cold in the summer.  The first Reisch beer sold in 1849.  Later they made soda waters during prohibition.   After 117 years in business, in 1966 the hospital across the street made an offer to buy the land to build a medical school and the family accepted and the business came to an end.  The last building was torn down in 1976.

The inspector.

Cozy Dog

The Cozy Dog restaurant is familiar to almost all of us.  Bob Waldmire was the man who started the restaurant.  He had eaten a hot dog baked in corn bread and wanted to have some kind of mix that would stick to a hot and could be deep fried.  A college buddy of his was the son of a baker.....he made a mix which would stick to the hot dog and could be fried.....the cozy dog was born.

Cozy Dogs were officially launched at the Springfield Lake Beach House on June 16, 1946 and at the State Fair this same year.  The first cozy dog building was on South Grand between 5th and 6th.  A second was at Ash and McArthur.  The  drive in was built in 1949 on Route 66 (South 6th Street now) with Dairy Queen occupying the same building.  Younger family members took over the restaurant and in 1996 the Drive In moved to its current location, which is next door to the original Drive In location.  The current Cozy Dog has an almost museum feeling, as there's lots of old time memorabilia in the restaurant.  They are known for their Cozy Dogs, but chilli is also a treat and so are the homemade skin-on fries sprinkled with seasoned salt.

Upcoming Events
The Athens Fall Festival -  will be held on August 25-27.  Parade participants are needed for the parade on August 27, 10:00 am.

Greenview Labor Day - Plans are underway for the usual activities....the parade, the pie contest, the chicken dinner, the flea market, the golden agers dinner.  Volunteers are needed - call 968-5323 or 968-7043 and leave your name and phone number.  Tomatoes are needed - call Ann Broch at 968-7043 to donate.

Marbold Farmstead - a day of food, desserts, homemade ice cream, trolley tours of Marbold related Greenview sites, children activities, demos and exhibitions of historic crafts and an Open House of the old Marbold Home.  Sept 4, 10am to 3pm.

What's To Eat At Our House Tonight?
I'm tired of cooking.....anyone agree with me.  Why don't we put out a sign that says "Cook Wanted"!!  I cook from scratch, I plan menus ahead of time,  I budget shop so the budget isn't out of whack, I make sure we have varied and palate pleasing meals......and I'm tired!  I can't be the only cook who's tired!!  So much so I might clean windows today...and I hate that!

But, we have to eat so I'll go on cooking and cleaning afterwards (ugh) and doing the good things that Martha Stewart would be proud of.  Off to see what's in the freezer........just kidding....we're having hot dogs tonight .... just because I'm tired and that Cozy Dog article made me hungry for a dang old hot dog!

Thought For The Day
Moral indignation is
jealousy with a halo.
--H. G. Wells

Learn a New Word
So that Greenviewanites will be the smartest in the county.

New Word: nescient = lacking knowledge or awareness

New Spanish Word/Phrase: la cabeza = head

What would happen if you were told that you would get a million dollars if you would live all by yourself on an isolated island for 30 days.  Would you go for it?  I know I would....that One Million Dollars would have my name on it.

The rules state, besides the clothes on your back, you could take two bags with a total of no more than 25 items.  The rules state that several individual bottles of medicine count as one item....but that's the only thing about multiples counting as one.  What would be the 25 items you would take??

My list:  2 knives,  water-proof matches, water purifying tablets or system, medicines, 1 pair of underwear ( I would also wear two pairs)  and 1 shirt (also wear two shirts) and 1 pants/shorts (and wear two pairs of pants), toothbrush, baking soda, bar of soap, rope, solar waterproof plastic sheet or tarp, antibiotic cream, sun block, fishing line with 3 hooks, duck tape, large book, 2 pans, survival guide, one bag of gum drops.

I plan to hunt for food on the island.  If there isn't any food there I'm sunk, because I'm only taking one bag of gum drops so I can have sugar and no other food.  I might regret taking clean underwear instead of food.  But I guess I can boil a rock and have rock soup....or maybe tree branch stew would be good.   Maybe Greenviewanites don't know how to pack, since we don't do a lot of island hopping!  

I know I will have plenty of water since I'm on an island.....and, surely there will be fish.  I like fish....and I bet I will either like fish a lot better after this island stay or I will be so sick of fish I will never eat it again as long as I live.  Rock soup with fish sounds pretty good to least now it does, before I start my island stay.  Good luck with your's harder to come up with a list than you think.  Try it!

Don't forget the rating indicator at the bottom.


Anonymous said...


A note: The Marbold Ice Cream Social is from 11 to 4 on the 4th of September! Thanks, you Silly Girl!

Charlotte :)

Anonymous said...

I remember going to the Reisch Brewery with my dad to pick up a keg of beer for some party they were having...the Reisch family were friends with many of the German families around Greenview

Ken Dirks
Marietta, GA

doll lady said...

Charlotte....the Review says 10 to 3....better get hold of them....I copied that from the paper!