Friday, August 26, 2011

Will The Tempest Hit

Hurricane Irene Is Coming Aboard???!!!
The people who live on the coast run the chance of  hurricanes, tropical storms, tempests, cyclones, typhoons or whatever they are called for the particular area.  They are not pretty and the devastation is massive.  My friend and reader Ken D. and I were just talking about the destruction Katrina did on the Mississippi coast.  Last year when we went to Biloxi, Mississippi, the coastline was still bare five years later .... across from the beach there used to be wonderful old beach houses.  Last year during our trip along the beach highway, where houses once stood, for miles was bare and in some areas, severely damaged buildings still stood behind fences....five years later.

Beautiful cities and wonderful landmarks can sometimes be totally destroyed.  The water surge causes horrible damage and loss, and the water can remain in some areas.  I heard on the news that in a previous hurricane, Manhattan was under 13 foot of water.  Ironically, a climatologist from the Weather Channel, Heidi Cullen, wrote a book about what the weather of the future could do to New York.  And, in that book, Manhattan is predicted to be under water.

This morning the prediction is that Hurricane Irene will hit New York.  We can only hope that by a miracle it moves eastward.  There will be many people in a city that large who will not heed the warnings and will not leave.  Even at a Hurricane Category 2, the damage will be enormous.....Irene is a HUGE hurricane en mass.  Hurricane Ike was a Category 2 and Ike did tremendous damage and was the third most costly hurricane ever recorded.

We should always respect Mother Nature in her fury.  None of us knows exactly why she has been so mad at us lately in one form or another.  No rain in some areas, horrible tornadoes in other areas, devastating fires, and devastating mudslides.  It must stem from the fact that earthlings have not been kind to the earth we live on and our ecosytem is our of whack !!! 

But, we can only begin  and continue to change our ways.  We must be more greener and begin to restore the environment to its natural habitat.  That can only be done by grouping together and by addressing the evironmentalism concerns.  Perhaps this might calm Mother Nature....and maybe she will be easier on us.

Lets all give positive thoughts that Hurricane Irene will miraculously turn to the east and go out to sea.  And if that doesn't happen, our thoughts should be directed to protection of our fellow Americans in those areas where she will begin her destruction.   If you've never prayed before, please find it in your heart to do just a little bit of prayer. 

A Couple of sites of Katrina Surge and Damage:

Pray For The People of The East Coast

Old Tyme Greenview

1915 - Claude Petrie bought Luther Roger's interest in the Greenview Review and it was now known as Petrie and Pond.  Mr. Pond was an attorney too and weekly contributed an article called "Lamped In the Limelight".

1916 - Marshall Spaulding and Bud Rice opened a restaurant in the Opera House first floor (note from Carla:  where the locker plant used to be).  John Struwe and Ray Hamil had a garage (note from Carla:  in the building where Hinricks Auto Sales was).

1917 - Oil was first used on the streets.  A deep well was dug for the town waterworks at a cost of $895.  Marshal Spaulding and Bud Rice took over the operation of the picture show.  Bob Brewer operated the grocery business, located in the old Taylor building.  Conrad Kuhn ran a bakery.  Nancy Bracken, lacking a few days of being 100 years old, died on May 2, 1917.   Harry Killion operated the ice house.  Surveying for the new hardroad began.  April 6, 1917 the United Stated declared war on Germany.  The Red Cross was organized in Greenview.  Many Greenview men went to war.  The East View Coal Co. was incorporated.  The Volstead Act became law, saloons as closed.  Traffic in moonshine, white mule and bootlegging in general began.  The chain hitchrack was removed from around the park to allow parking for cars.

More Old Time Television

1950's then reruns

Queen For A Day
1956 - 1964

1959 - 1973

1954 - 1971

Leave It To Beaver
1957 - 1963

Mickey Mouse Club
1955 - 1959, then reruns

1953 - Early 1960's

We had an old black and white television when I was a kid.  And, when it broke, John Estill would come with his huge bag of television tubes to fix it.  Lots of times we went to Grandma and Grampa's house to watch their color television. 

I remember when our antenna wasn't quite right, one of us would run outside and try to twist the tower pole.  It usually didn't help, but it was worth a try.  We had a rotor box which was supposed to turn the antenna, but when it stormed the antenna tended to rotate a bit on its own which caused really poor reception.  There were VHF and UHF receptions and I really never understood those two things. 

Television has really changed.  When I see some of the shows of today, I wonder if it was for the good!!??

Cooks Night Out Tonight....No Cooking!

Thought For The Day

For every minute you are angry,
you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Labor Day weekend is coming up.  Those of us who live here take the Marbold Mansion for granted.  The Marbold Association sponsors and holds an Ice Cream Social with displays of old crafts, tours of the house, trolley tours of Greenview and general information about the old mansion.  Be sure to find time to visit this on Sunday, September 4. 

Then, on Monday, Labor Day,  the Greenview parade will thrill both the kids and old folks....and younger people too.  Candy will be tossed and the politicians will try to shake your hand.  Lots of cool old cars will remind you of your younger years.  Then later, you can see about 200 of those cool shiny cars along the park and around the town streets.  If you need to buy some fleas, the flea market will be your choice.

Labor Day is known for the celebration at the end of summer.  It's too bad that summer will have to end, but after going through some really hot days with no measurable rain since July, it's probably time we moved on to a new season.  Let the fun begin!

Don't forget the rating indicator at the bottom.

Have a Good Weekend Friends! 

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