Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Putting My Foot In My Mouth

It's Called Foot and Mouth Disease!
There are times I have put my foot so far into my mouth with a faux pas, that I thought I would have to call a local surgeon to get my foot out.  These are when I make the social error of the year....saying something to someone and it's far off base.  Here's a couple of things I did: 

 I met a woman I had known several years before.  She had her beautiful blonde daugher with her.  I gushed about how much the little girl looked like the woman.  She said: "She's adopted". I actually thought the girl did resemble her a lot.  Open mouth insert foot!

Someone at work asked me if the outfit she had on made her butt look big.  I said jokingly "I really don't think it's just the pants."  She got mad.  Yikes!  Open mouth insert both feet!

I also saw someone I hadn't seen in about 4 years, I asked how her husband was....she said he died.  I forgot!  Open mouth insert foot!

One day I was talking to my ex-husband and I called him by my current husband's name....both their names rhyme....the ex was really mad.....ha ha .....only a half a foot was in my mouth on this one since I really didn't care I called him by the wrong name.  I thought it was funny afterwards.

One of my worst foot and mouth disorders was during breaktime at my former job, we were talking about hair.  I said, I hate it when people wear wigs.  One of the girls, said "I'm wearing a wig!".  Open mouth insert foot.

Now .... if I had a foot fetish, putting my foot or someone else's foot in my mouth might be appealing, but my foot fetish must have left me, because I hate it when that foot is in deep.  Sometimes I feel my faux pas is so bad, that I should open my mouth and change feet...put the other foot in for a while. 

 Have you ever tried to do some quick thinking and peace lovin stupid chump blabbin....all the while blubberin all over yourself??  All the while, I'm  doing this peace lovin stupid chump blabbin while I still have the foot implanted deep in my mouth.  Sometimes I go on so much, I begin to feel that I have diarrhea of the mouth trying to get out of a foot and mouth disease situation.  I guess it then becomes a moutharrhea problem  ......  the mouth is in real trouble!!!!  I just can't win when this happens!

Looking back at some of my foot and mouth syndrome disorder occurrences and the moutharrhea problems I've had, I found some of these were humorous....I guess this is my dark humor.  I really don't mean to hurt someone's feelings....but I just feel the need to find the humorous side to it so that I will perhaps slobber more and then getting the foot out of the mouth will be easier and will result in no surgical removal and less moutharrhea.   

Another Walk Down Memory Lane

The following pictures come from the 1960 edition of the Souvenir Yearbook.  Some great memories of some great folks. 

Johnson and Denton Grocery Store
Was located where the Masonic Lodge is now.

Al Setzer - Standard Gas Truck

Don Lockhart - Sweney Gas Truck

Cramer - Smothers Auto and Machinery
Business was north side of park where Mel's Market/Apke's Grocery Store was.
This is who I think these are from left:  first, Herbert Fields; second Percy Carter; third Keith Moore; fourth Dave Cramer; fifth Jimmy Johnson; sixth Tommy Smothers;  seventh Ed Cramer; eighth Joe Pisoni maybe???? although I didn't think he ever worked there; ninth Kenny Hollis.

Harry Jones Pontiac Dealer - Owl Garage
Was located on Route 29 where the old Laundromat was at the end of Adams Street, across from where Casey's is now.

Menard County Review - Jack and Willie Ruth Luscher, owners.
Picture shows their daughter Kathy, business was on the north side of the park.


The following pictures are from the 1975 and 1976 Souvenir Yearbooks:

Kirby's Department Store - West Side of Park
Formerly Rodemer's

Mel's Market (Mel Lockwood)
Was on the northeast corner across from park.
The market burned then Vic Apke built a store, and now
 Dan Horn has a Rainbow business in the store building.

Downtown Greenview 1975

Downtown Greenview 1928

The stroll in memories is never long enough.  There doesn't seem to be enough pictures for us to see ...  remember, if you have any old pictures to use in the blog, please email them to me at carlaslittlemoms@yahoo.com

Some of us remember these times I've shown today, while others are too young to remember or others joined our fine old town not long ago.  It doesn't matter if you didn't know these times, because now you know a little bit more about what the town was all about back then.  Greenview has changed, and will continue to change.  Your memories might be of another time, but they are still good memories.

Old Time Greenview Recipe
I've had this recipe for years and years.  My copy says PTA/Band Parents Maid Rites at the top.  Charlotte W. tells me that the Band Parents used to have a fair stand and these were served.   Since my copy has PTA on it, I would guess maybe the PTA used this recipe too. I remember the dinners before basketball games when these were served.  And also the chili suppers....yummy.  I doubt that anyone would be having a clan over to serve this many Maid Rites, but I thought it would be fun to post the recipe.   Maybe if we have a burgoo, we can also have maid rites and be in burgoo and maid rite heaven! Enjoy!

PTA/Band Parent Maid Rites
40 lbs ground beef
4 to 6 bottles ketchup
2 small bottles Open Pit barbeque sauce
2 - 3 cups flour
3 lbs. chopped onions
2 pints sweet pickle juice
2 large cans tomato juice
2 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons chili powder, or to taste
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste

Brown the ground beef and onions then drain the grease. 
Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for at least one hour or more.

Learn A New Word
So that Greenviewanites can be the smartest in the county.

New Word: gerrymander = repartition an area in order to create electoral districts in order to give unfair advantage to a political party. 

New Spanish Word: el queso = cheese

Thought For The Day
Anyone who keeps the ability
to see beauty never grows old.
--Frank Kafka

You might put something on the internet that says "Why not move to Central Illinois".  It's the land of Lincoln, corn, beans, cattle, pigs, wheat, pick up trucks, hot in the summer, cold in the winter, high humidity and Greenview.  Do you think we would get many responses???

Earlier this spring I could have put mudflats in my list of attributes but now I could maybe put "arid like the desert "since we haven't had a really good drencher since July....just some hit and miss rains.  NOAA weather rates Menard County as Moderate Drought at this time.  That might attract some people from desert states or countries. 

We should also carefully prepare our ad so that it attracts persons who like Abraham Lincoln, since there are so many attractions in this area, it supports our economy in the Springfield Metro area (we are considered the Metro area of Springfield in case you didn't know).  We could also attract persons who like vintage architecture, with the Marbold Bank, the Marbold Mansion and the Big Stone Mansion and the other huge fine homes still remaining.  These would fascinate these lovers of architecture miracles.

We could also say we have a media celebrity, since one of our residents is Liz Willis Soldwedel (aka Liz Willis) from WYMG radio.  And, Liz is the proud owner of the Marbold Bank too.  So... we have a claim to fame! 

Perhaps we wouldn't find any new Greenview/Central Illinois residents, but we might find some who are interested in the history of Greenview.  We all could give them a big list of things which happened in our Greenviewanite life.

Wonder what future generations of kids being born today will think of Greenview?  I wonder how changed it will be?  Will our history still be as important to them in their later years?  Will there be any of our descendants still in Greenview? We won't know but, we can hope.

Take pride in the history of our old town.  It took a lot of pride and effort to start and grow this town from literally nothing.....just some land on the plains.  It's your town now....keep it that way.

Remember the rating indicator at the bottom of the post.


Amelia Elliott said...


I really enjoyed your "foot in mouth," post. Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh!

Anonymous said...

Too Funny!!!! Foot & Mouth disease affects everyone!!! I have been struck by it way too many times. :)


The rating thing was not visible at the bottom of your blog. What happened to it? So I rate this one FUNNY!

doll lady said...

Charlotte...if you are in comments, the rating indicator doesn't show up....only when you are in viewing stage. Sorry. But thanks for the comments! Carla

hoate said...

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