Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Counting Down to Resolution Time

One and a Two and a Three.....

We all know that the week after Christmas is when you start thinking about the many resolutions you will swear you will stick to come New Year's Day.  Just like Santa says HO HO HO.....what a bunch of malarkey because you know you won't stick to the list lying on your kitchen table.  At least I won't.....but we all mean well!!!

First of all there will be the "I swear I will not eat Chocolate".  How horrible this is for me......being a chocoholic!  I know I will write this down on my list and will try to do this and, probably at the stroke of midnight, if you would sneak into my house I will probably be chomping on the Hershey's bar that's in the refrigerator because it goes so well with a nice glass of Merlot.

The next will most likely be "Stop Buying So Many Shoes"!  The closet is full, the top of the closet is full.  The downstairs closet is full.  Now is the time to quit this shoe buying....."STOP!"

Next....the barbeque sauce.  Chicken breast, chicken wings, pork ribs,  pork chops, all slathered in barbeque sauce.....the kind that is sticky sweet and not only sticks to your face and napkin but also sticks to your butt as the more you eat this sweet concoction your old hiney gets bigger and bigger  ..... if you like to eat as much as some people do....me! (I'm surprised I don't just drink it out of the bottle!!)  Stop the salivating right now!!

Here it comes.....a writer always makes a resolution to become a better writer......now how does one do that????  But,  I WILL put it on the list.  If you remember a few months ago,  I told you some one commented on this blog (which I erased) that I wrote Trailer Park Humor......I guess I need to upgrade my humor a bit...to at least a mobile home park....or maybe condominium complex humor.  It makes the list look longer.....

Next on the list is to rewrite my personal definition of "stupid people".....so, that I can become more understanding and more tolerant of this class of persons.  It's hard to be able to open your mind and accept those who make life so difficult so I figure if I write my own definition of what a stupid person is, maybe I can become more tolerant.  Maybe?

Jiminy Cricket....that's only a few resolutions.....I need to google and see who the heck was the person who said we need to do resolutions. 

Next is one of the most important.  When I accidentally (ha ha) let a fart, I swear I won't blame it on the dog.  Everyone thinks the poor dog has a severe case of flatulence since I'm always blaming those really nasty farts on her.

Not so important but this one has bugged me for a long time....it's setting the clock ahead 10 minutes.  Why do I do this....everyone knows that the clock is 10 minutes fast so why do it....so it's time to stop.  Just hope everyone knows that I will be setting the clock back to "au naturel".

Dryer shrinkage is my next resolution.  These clothes I buy keep shrinking in the dryer (ha ha ha).  So I need to either set the dryer to a lower temperature (maybe cold)  or just lose some weight.  I guess it's the dryer....or could it be the 20 pounds that I found on the sidewalk and picked it up and am now carrying it around??

Since the dryer resolution is high on my list maybe I should put my losing weight  resolution right here.  I think if I quit eating the chocolate in the first resolution and cut down on the barbeque sauce in my BBQ resolution or at least change to a less sticky one (check out  Sweet Baby Rays - low calorie if they have one) and if I keep on a truckin and a walkin maybe the I could lose a little weight??? 

Last but surely not least.  I need to make a resolution to cut down on my sitting in front of the computer so dang much.  So for the next year I am making a resolution to stand half the time and sit the other half.....that will surely meet the resolution.

I've done it.  My list is complete.  And now it's time my friend for you to get yours done.  And no copying either!

Vintage Photos Around The Area

Abraham Lincoln Springfield hotel lobby 1951.

Lincoln - Gullets Huge Greenhouse 1942 era -
hail and fire destroyed it.

Petersburg  Menard County Court House 1910 era.

Springfield Sangamo Electric

1941 Indianapolis Raceway Pace Car
visiting Springfield.

Springfield Court House Downtown 1946

Thought For The Day
The secret of your future is
hidden in your daily routine.
--Mike Murdock

Have you spent a bit of time reading greeting card messages?  Some of those are so bizarre I am just astounded.  I read the message and don't know whether to throw the card or laugh or just put it back quietly and pretend I didn't just read that card.  Of course some of them match my humor so I just about roll on the floor laughing.

Yesterday I saw one which got me hooting and snorting.....it said "stupidity is contagious, stand back, I don't want to catch yours".  Then there was this one ..... "your specialness is getting on my nerves".    (I could buy multiples of this one to send to my many "friends".)

Of course I don't know on what occasion some of these would be sent.  Like this one...."If I tell you to have a nice day, Run!"

Vintage New Years Greeting postcard from 1916 era.

Have a grand day.  Come again.

  This blog and posts are protected under copyright laws.


Anonymous said...

How can fire destroy a greenhouse? What is there to burn?

Ken Dirks

doll lady said...

hmmm...Ken I imagine the frame was wood then the glass over it. I had another picture which showed this greenhouse after the hail damage but I can't find it right at this time....darn it. If I remember the picture it show the framwork of the greenhouses, with the glass broken out. I'll tryi to find that picture soon.