Friday, December 9, 2011

Gettin Your Chimney Cleaned eh?

Santa doesn't like dirty chimneys!

You know that Santa doesn't like to come down dirty chimneys, so you need to call the chimney sweep right now!  He will be able to thoroughly clean that messy tall brick monstrosity that Santa intends to navigate in just a few short days.

What???????  You say you don't have a fireplace?  Well on Christmas Eve night, believe me you will have a chimney and a fireplace even for only a few minutes.  You see there is magic involved when Santa comes to houses with no fireplace.  He waves his magic wand which the Santa Fireplace Fairy gave him long ago and PRESTO a fireplace appears.

If you will bear with me I will tell you how Santa came to navigating fireplaces instead of just going in the door.  It's a neat story......

Long ago, a man by the name of Santiagodamingo Claus, lived in a land of dirty chimneys.  He had the very dirty job of cleaning all the chimneys where Santiagodamingo lived.  It was definitely a dirty job and didn't pay much at all.  Santiagodamingo was an unhappy man and that was a shame as he used to be quite a jovial man who loved people and especially he loved to watch the little children who played in the fields of clover near where he lived.

One day while trying to clean an especially narrow chimney, he was halfway down the chimney and got stuck.  It was cold outside as it was the day before Christmas Eve when all of the little children would set their shoes outside by their doors and their parents would either fill the shoes with coal if they had been bad or little cookies or nuts for good little boys and girls. 

Being stuck in the chimney for a long time was rather scarey for Santiagodamingo so he bowed his head and took a few minutes to pray and to wish that someone would come to help him.    All at once a beautiful fairy fluttered above his head.  He was so glad someone had answered his wish!  The beautiful fairy began to speak in a language that Santiagodamingo had never heard.  It sounded familiar but at first he couldn't understand what the fairy was saying.  Then he began to understand.  The language was from his birthland of Northpolealand.

Many years later, the story comes to light that Santiagodamingo's parents had died in a sleigh crash many hundreds of years ago and a wonderful couple, his adoptive parents,  had been blessed with this baby lying in a cradle which had appeared on their doorstep.  The baby had a note in the cradle which simply said his name was Santiagodamingo Claus and to love him and that someday this child would grow into a man and would be a man of goodwill who would travel.

Santiagodamingo definitely grew into a good man and became that chimney sweep now stuck in the narrow chimney.  The fairy who hovered above his head waved a wand several times and said "Man of goodwill you will become the bearer of gifts to all children of the fields every where on earth.  You will have the power to deliver to the children these gifts of goodwill once a year on the eve of the savior's birth.  You will have divine beings known as elves which have been endowed with magical powers and a beautiful magical sleigh which can travel at great speeds and large distances.  And last of all, you should always travel down the chimney of each house so as not to wake the children who are nestled in their beds.  If a chimney doesn't exist, this wand which I am presenting to you will create a chimney for you to travel down. You will be known as Santa Claus and will live on forever, in the hearts of people."  She waved the wand again and Santiagodamingo was free from the chimney.

By instinct Santiagodamingo knew where to go.  He went to his homeland of northpolealand, which later became known as the North Pole.   He knew that tomorrow night was Christmas Eve and he had a big job to do.  The one thing he couldn't stand though was dirty chimneys.  He vowed that persons who didn't keep a clean chimney would get only a quick stop with the small bag of gifts while those who cleaned their chimneys got the advantage of Santa coming down the chimney with a huge bag of gifts. 

Heed my words, you need to get your chimney cleaned.  Santa knows when you've been dirty or clean....and naughty and nice.

Greenview On A Timeline

1979 - The Cramer Machinery company constructed a new building on West Adams Street.....80 ft by 240 ft long.

1979 - Karl Becker was killed instantly when he was struck by lightening on June 15.

1978 - The area was hit be an ice storm on Good Friday, March 24
leaving residents without electricity and/or water for the weekend, some until the middle of the following week.

1977 - Max Conrad of Mason City bought the Ennis Funeral Home and changed the name to Conrad Funeral Home.

1977 - Pappy Ennis died August 22 at age 79.

1977 - Ribbon-cutting ceremonies were held at the newly constructed bank in Greenview on September 12.

1977 - High winds and a downpour of rain caused uprooted trees, roofs blown off buildings, some buildings blown off foundations or demolished and flooding in the area on May 4.

1977 - Curtis elevator was struck by lightening and completely destroyed on August 7.  Was operated by Reiser Grain.  It had been destroyed by fire man years before this but had been rebuilt.

1976 - A Bicentennial year Wagon Train visited Greenview on April 19.  This festival was Greenview's Bicentennial kick-off to commemorate our nation's 200th birthday.

1975 - Dr. Willis Beard local veterinarian died February 17 at the age of 78.

1975 - Joe Wagoner was hospitalized for treatment of burns received when his home was destroyed by fire on September 21.

Thought For The Day

A lie gets halfway around the world before
the truth has a chance to
get its pants on.
--Winston Churchill

If I went to Walmart today do you think I would get a bargain.  Some might think so but not me.  I'm a creature of habit.  I buy the same things at Walmart when I shop there so I notice when prices go up....funny they never nose dive there.....and they never seem to put things on sale......oh I take that back, maybe pennies at a time and call it a sale.

But....when they increase the prices it's more than pennies.  I'm ranting because of the way my low fat margarine has gone up in price.  It used to be 68 cents and 1.5 years later it is $1.48.  Tell me that wages went up that way during the last couple of years.  NO WAY!

For now, I'm boycotting Walmart right now except for my prescriptions which I have to get there due to our insurance choice in the matter, but they are cheap....$5.00 each for generic no matter what the actual cost is. 

 Walmart has enough of my money.  I'll shop elsewhere until I get over my rant.

An old Greetings from Springfield postcard 1914 era.

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Come again!

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