Monday, December 12, 2011

He Who Laughs First, Laughs Last

What are you doing laughing first?!?!?!

Doncha know that the person who thinks they won any battle and starts laughing first may be surprised in the end.  Those who think they have won may not prevail....your laugh may end up with you being laughed at because you laughed first.

I've seen people who are in a type of contest of any sort, who begin to think they have won.  Sometimes because the person is a jerk, or has an arrogance which makes this person feel this way.  Arrogance can sometimes come to your rescue but, it's my opinion, that for the most part arrogance gets you in trouble.

A few years ago I was entered in a cooking contest.  There were quite a few persons I felt that due to their poor presentation and their choice of recipe couldn't win but I kept it to myself  (and I sure didn't laugh)  There was this contestant who would (as other contestants did their presentations) laugh and lean over, laughing all the while like a hyena, and loudly whisper to her friend things like "I'm going to win!  That person was just awful!  That person's food looked like puke!"

Of course she was sitting in front of me so I heard all of her comments.....she wasn't quiet!  I thought to myself..."you of all people deserve to lose". 

All of the contestants finished and then they announced those who would be going on to the second round.  YAY the laughing hyena in front of me didn't make it.  But she took herself and her "first" laugh and her arrogance up to the judges table and made a spectacle of herself.  She began with an arrogant and blustery statement about her food being the best of all....she wanted the audience to hear her.  The judge thought just a moment and responded "I'm sorry but your food and presentation was not the quality which is expected of persons vying for our professionally operated food contest."

I started laughing and so did see the person who laughed first, got laughed at.  She deserved to be laughed at and she deserved to lose due to her poor sportsmanship.   The moral of this story is ..... don't always think you are the best and laugh at others because your arrogance might land you in a bunch of trouble and you might get laughed at!!  You would deserve it in my estimation!

Greenview -  Is It Still The Same?

In 1967 there were 35 persons listed as Greenview High school graduates.  But, in 1976 one of the largest classes graduated, with 44 persons listed as graduates.

The town must have had a babyboomer year in the year of conception for those kids in the the 1976 class.  First of all, I thought there must have been a large influx of new residents, but looking at the names of the 1976 graduates, the majority are names which had been around the town a fairly long time, with just a few new names.  There was one set of twins so a bunch of multiples didn't add to the numbers.

Then I came across something that saddened me a bit.  It was the number of graduates for 2010.  The number was only 16.  What happened?  Did people move out.  Is the town aging so there are less children?

My personal opinion is that eventually the State of Illinois will set forth demands to small town schools that will require consolidation.  From the Illinois school consolidation bill and proposals in the last couple of years, it seems apparent it will happen sooner or later.    Would this decreasing number of  2010 graduates add fuel to the fire when the State is reviewing the numbers.  My opinion is that it will.

When you think of it, Greenview is one of the smallest schools still in existence in the state.  According to the Illinois High School Association, only two other schools with less than 100 high school student enrollments exist besides Greenview.....those are Meredosia and Bluffs.  In 2010 there were only 78 high school students enrolled in Greenview.

Chapters of our lives end when we graduate from high school.  Memories surround our mind and can never be taken from us.  But will Greenview children of tomorrow be able to say in the future, "I graduated from dear old GHS, Greenview Bulldogs"..... and be able to sing the old fight song...."we're red and we're black Greenview High...." "we'll back you to stand 'gainst the best in the land....." "our team is our fame protector, On boys for we expect a victory from you Greenview High".

Maybe the school will be able to scrape by as one of Ilinois'  smallest schools.  Maybe not.  But, we who lay claim to being graduates,  all have our memories of the past from our own days at Greenview High School, dear old GHS.  The school must have been half-way decent....most seem to have made it ok in our lives and most don't seem to have suffered much.  It's amazing how resilient Greenview kids have always been.  They are a part of history ..... history can never change.  Once you are a part of history you remain in that history.  And even if you are gone, meaning moved away or at rest in Elmwood Cemetery, you are still a part of Greenview in someone's mind.  Never forget your history here and the roots which helped form your life.  It belongs to you and cannot be taken away.

I have two editions of the Menard County Extension Cookbook.  The earliest one contains a recipe for Corn Flake Candy which is simple and really good.  It is the recipe of Menard County residents Dorothy and Barbara Leinberger.

Corn Flake Candy
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup cream
1 cup white corn syrup

4 cups crushed corn flakes
1 cup nuts
1 cup coconut

Mix gently and drop by teaspoonful onto lightly greased cookie sheet to set.

Humorous Quote Of The Day
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
It's just that yours is stupid.
--unknown author

A generous person will go far in life.  I once read that  statement on a Chinese fortune cookie I opened.  It made me feel proud that I opened that particular fortune, as throughout my years, I had always tried to find ways to help people. 

Even though I might not be the richest person, at Christmas I always take an Angel from the Salvation Army Angel tree so that a less fortunate person might experience a feeling of worth and enjoyment on Christmas morning.  I don't know the Angel when I start our shopping for the things on the Angel's list, but by the time I get done shopping, I have formed an opinion of what this child is all about.

A few years ago, I picked an Angel who only listed  "an outfit for church and a coat".  I almost always wait until the last days before the cutoff to pick my Angel from the tree because the remaining Angels are those whom no one else wants. 

The day I picked that particular Angel, with bare necessity items on the list, I knew that she would not only get her wish list items, but a few fun things too.  That particular year wasn't the best financial year for me due to medical expenses but I wasn't going to let that stop me.....I went to town shopping. 

First of all, I contacted the Salvation Army to see if I could find out if there were any brothers and sisters as I didn't want to buy too many presents if other kids in the family might only get one present from another Angel tree gift buyer.   I gave them the identification number on the tag and they graciously worked with me since I didn't want personal information, just general information and told me they would work with me to make sure these would be delivered when I told them my plans.  No other children in the family they told me, just a mother who was a single mother.  I decided that the mother needed things too.  Not knowing her sizes, I had to buy personal type items suitable for women of all ages.  I found lovely things for the mother and for the child I probably over bought but I didn't care.  I had this wonderful Angel whom others didn't want to choose from the tree. 

The morning of Christmas as I sat opening a family gift at my home, I thought about that Angel and her mother.  I could picture her opening that new special church outfit which was just beautiful and the new warm coat and gloves and matching hat.  Then I saw her opening her cologne, her books, her game, her purse, her foot warmers, and her new bible.  I  somehow knew that she was enjoying herself,  just as I was simply by thinking about her and her mother.

You see she was age 14 but, even though she was an older child, she was still a child and deserved a special Christmas.... she was my Angel on the tree that no one else wanted to take....but I did.

Come again.  I hope you are in the holiday spirit as I am.
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