Monday, December 26, 2011

Now A Christmas Past and Already Looking Forward to Christmas Future

It's Gone...Kaput...Fini....Over....Done....Past

The morning after....just like a need have a have less money or none at all.....

But was it worth it??

You Bet!!

The merchants are richer.....the tree is dry if you had a real tree....the wrapping paper is either on the curb waiting for the trash man or will soon be on the curb (by the way don't forget to tip your trash man)....time to put the extra unused wrapping paper in the closet.....time to pour the last of the eggnog down the drain as it just doesn't taste as good after Christmas as it does before and put the whiskey in the back of the pantry until the  next time.....time to sweep the floor to get up the glitter and food from under the table....

Time to get on the scales and see what damage those cookies and fudge and caramels have done......time to get out the phone book and get the fit club phone number......time to figure out how to rearrange the furniture when the tree comes down.....time to try on the new clothes....time to spray the new cologne on your wrist to see if you will like the exciting cheap K-mart special blend.....time to try out the new hand mixer to see if it will spend fast enough to use it on mashed potatoes.....time to again warm up the leftovers left from yesterday's lunch then leftover from last night's supper......

Time to sneak a look at the visiting relatives' plane ticket(s) to see what time you can expect to get rid of him/her/them......time to pile up the "Take Backs" and make a list of what goes to what store.....time to think about a bigger Christmas Club account for next year.....time to swear off buying so many presents next year.....time to thank goodness you have the day off on the day after.....time to take a sneak in your billfold and see if the old plastic card has any cracks from overuse.....

Just think in 364 days you can do it all over again..........

Old Time Stuff

These are things I remember from the past.  Never whine about the past...but always remember the good things.....yes the bad things are stored in the memory but push them to the side.  Emotional clutter from the past can prevent you from moving forward to better things.

Beechnut gum.  Clove gum.  33 1/3 rpm long play records. 45 rpm records. 78 rpm records.  First moon walk.  Corner Cafe ice cream cones.  The Village Inn.   Icy Root Beer and Tops Big Boy.  The  Linda Theater and seeing Old Yeller and Peter Pan there.  Telephone operator saying "number please?"  Telephone party lines.

Gas from 25 cents per gallon.  Watching Lawrence Welk and Ed Sullivan (not on rerun either).  Worrying about getting spanked at school.  Saying the Pledge of Allegiance at school and praying too.  Work wages of 50 cents per hour.  My graduation present ... a 1960 chevy red and white convertible.

Howdy Doody.  Cars with no seatbelts.  Sunday drives with a picnic basket and stops in roadside picnic areas. "Father Knows Best" television show.  Driving the farm grain truck at age 10.  Making paper mache planets in 6th grade and hanging them from the schoolroom ceiling.  President John Kennedy being killed.  Schwinn bike and Western Auto bike.

Sunday dinner at Grammies house. Drinking beer in the country (underage of course).  Hiding in the back seat or trunk to get in free at the drive-in movie theater.  Riding in the back of a pick-up and feeling the hair blowing (when I had lots of hair on top).  Bell bottom pants.  Pretty dolls.  Electric trains.  Teased hair.  Angora on a boy's class ring.   

My mind is full but it's tired this morning.  I know that you also have memories and I might have just sent you on a trip down memory lane.  It's fun....and we will do it again another time.

Thought For The Day
Age is a very high price to pay
for maturity.
--Tom Stoppard

The New Year is upon us.  I can't believe how fast this year has passed by but, as we age, time seems to pass faster.  It's hard to believe that yesteryear is in fact many years ago instead of just a few.  As a person gets older and older does time seem to pass faster and faster like a globe spinning and gaining speed with each turn??

Time is valuable and never doubt that.  Don't ever let it pass you by without grabbing hold and marveling at each day and grabbing a piece of time to hold on to for at least the day.  If you do, you probably will have stored another memory for future reference.  Just because we are older doesn't mean you should have memories of just the "old stuff".....each day is a memory in your life.

Today is the day after Christmas, 2011.  You now have a memory of yesterday's celebration....maybe a funny thing someone said.  Maybe a cool item you received....these are memories and not soon forgotten.

May this last week of this year be kind to you.  Spend it with loved ones who are visiting or even go visit loved ones.  Time spent wisely is time well spent.  If you spend time or already spent time this holiday season with your children, it is time wisely invested.  Remember we all are only here on earth for a short time.

Happy Boxing Day (if you live in Canada).  Today just sit back and relax...after all you have to start planning for next fast as time passes it will be here before you know it.

Please come again.  This blog and posts are protected under copyright laws.

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