Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tuesday..Day 2 of the Week...10-20-09

Good Morning In Greenview Land! Time to wake up and smell the fall leaves, or the coffee or just the fresh air.

Tuesdays are always good days. It gives meaning to the "I can't wait 'til the weekend". Only 3 more days after this day ends.

Hope your day goes well. Make lots of money, gets lot done or just have fun lazing around as I plan to do today.


Old School Questions. On yesterday's post, a reader asked if I knew the locations of the historical schools I put in yesterday's post. I answered that reader in the comments section, so you may want to read the comments from yesterday. Also, I found more names of schools in an old Greenview history book. In addition, I found where the old school buildings were sold in 1951. I found the following site which has some information on locations, but I'm not familiar with the county longitude/latitude information. More to come on old school locations as I find out that information....or if any reader knows locations, please email me or post that info in the comments. Thanks.


Casey's Convenience Store in Greenview has the best coffee. It's better than Petersburg's and Mason City's Casey's stores. And now they have pumpkin slices....think they are cheesecake but haven't tried them yet. I think Casey's want all Greenviewanites to get fat.....pizzas for breakfast and lunch, potato wedges, doughnuts, danish, sandwiches and now enticing pumpkin slices will definitely make us fat! But at least we have some where to go in Greenview ...... and Casey's is always busy! If we keep going there to eat, it will become known as the "Waddle Inn"!
Restaurants From Yesterday.
Does anyone remember a cafe which once stood just past Smitty's/Kincaid's Tavern but before the lower tavern (Steinmitz's). It was on the west side of the street and was very small..... I barely remember it.
Also, we had the Corner Cafe, fondly called Emma's. Later, other persons operated it.....Tommy Smothers, Frank Mason, Patty Hudspeth, Mother's (Bea Smith), Swede. During my high school years, I worked in this cafe.....cooked, cleaned, fried burgers and fries, served as a waitress ..... all for 50 cents an hour at first, then I got a raise to 75 cents. Big money back then!! HA HA HA But I loved the chocolate soda's.....choco syrup, vanilla ice cream and carbonated fizz water. After ballgames, the bus would let us off here! And how could I forget that the Greyhound bus picked up passengers here and the fire alarm phone was answered here......Geeze....I worked and did all of this for 50 cents an hour???
While working at the Corner Cafe, one day I went to work at about 5:30 am on a weekend and lo and behold there were rats sitting on the counter. Roedemer's next door had sewer pipe repair done the day before so it stirred up the sewer rats and they ate through the wire mesh in the water drains in the Corner Cafe. The HUGE rats made themselves at home in the bread wrappers, on the counter, and how they loved the strawberries we had for banana split topping. When I opened the door, turned on the lights and saw all of those HUGE RATS, I closed the door and went home and called the owner .... he came and shot the rats. YIKES....I was so scared I couldn't work that day after rat removal was accomplished. You've heard of "rat patrol"..... everyday after that, I was on rat patrol! Just another exciting day in Greenview!
The Village Inn was also a favorite after school place. Operated by Peazy and Marilyn Beard .... it was always clean and they had good vanilla cokes.
Then came Joe Simmering's Tavern Food, Swede's/ Cuzins, Nance's (now Chilli Bears). Joe sold out to Soupy Thomas who sold to Coonrods who moved, came back and left again, Cuzin's burned and now we have one left.....besides Casey's food.
If I left any out, please tell me!!
G'view Daily Bread Menu For Tuesday & Wednesday
Tuesday...Pepperoni Pizza, pea & cheese salad, picled beets, fruit cocktail, white bread, milk.
Wednesday ....Meatloaf w/brown gravy, whipped potatoes, carrots, butter beans, banana cake, wheat bread, milk.
Full cost to persons under age 60 yrs of age is $5.27. The suggested donation for age 60 and over is $3.00 per meal.
Greenview Schools Offers Student Assistance Program. If your child is experiencing difficulty succeeding in school, Greenview School System offers an early intervention, prevention and support program for students. Contact the school for more information.
Thought for Today
Three things cannot be hidden. The sun, the moon and the truth. ~~~~Budda
With That I Leave You With A Smile

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