Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wed-nes-day, 10-14. A Hump In the Smooth Week!

*~~Hello out there!~~* I looked at the calendar and lo and behold, the month is almost 1/2 over. EGADS!

I tried to think what this day is famous for, but I came up with nothing too important. So I guess we will all need to make this an important day in our lives, and not just another day.

ILLINOIS IMPORTANT PEOPLE: Illinois is a state which has offered many important people to the world. Some were born here while others lived here, but they were Illinioisians at some point. Notably, at this moment, we can boast that our President, Barack Obama, is an Illlinoisian. And, he isn't the only president whom we can boast about. Here are some others (hope I remembered them all): A former Menard County resident.. Abe Lincoln, Ulysses Grant (Galena), Ronald Reagon (Dixon area)......and Hillary Clinton who wasn't a President but was married to one. Here's just a few other famous persons: Oprah Winfrey, Jack Benny, Ray Bradbury, John Chancellor, Cindy Crawford, Walt Disney, Harrison Ford, Charlton Heston, Burl Ives, Dorothy Hamill, Wild Bill Hickok, Ernest Hemingway, Richard Pryor, Carl Sandburg, Raquel Welch. We certainly have others, including famous sports figures and even some notorious criminals who lived in Illinois ... to name a few: John Dillinger, Al Capone, John Wayne Gacy, and Drew Peterson.
Our state of course is known as the Land of Lincoln, but we must also recognize that we are also the Land of Good People, and a few bad apples.
FLU SHOT CLINIC: 1 PM TO 7 PM Menard County Health Dept.
**Greenview Daily Bread Menu for Today, Wed. 10-14 ***
Chicken Tenders, 3-bean salad, cauliflower, diced pears, wheat bread, milk.
HISTORY 101 -- 1948
1. Gerald Meehan bought the Corner Cafe from Clinton Lance. Later his brother Bimmie and his wife Emma purchased the business.
2. The Parent Teachers Organization was organized.
3. Jack Luscher and Clyde Grizzell purchased the Greenview Review from Claude Petrie.
4. Construction began on the Linda Theater by Carl Rodimer, Sr. Hardy Pittman was to be the manager. (Note this is the building just south of the old Marbold Bank building).
5. Carl Miller presented chimes to the Presbyterian Church in memory of his mother, Sphia Hallberg Miller.
6. Taylor Pitts was recognized for 21 years perfect attendance in Sunday school and in 40 years, he only missed one Sunday, June 15, 1927.
Life goes on in Greenview. Casey's has been busy this week, as they are every week. Chili Bear's, the Pub and Richard's Tap have beer when you're tired and thirsty. Tuttle's still has gas and lots of cars. Petefish, Skiles Bank and State Bank of Greenview will extend their hand to hold your money and even lend you some if you sign your name. And the Post Office is delivering the mail for free just like always. Happy's the same as usual in Greenview. Until another exciting day, I remain......a friend and your local news person. Have a Good Day!

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