Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Monday...November 9, 2009

Motivation Monday.
I like to call Mondays my motivation days. I typically have done nothing around the house, nothing to the yard, not baked, not cooked much and generally either ran around or lazed around on the weekend so I need to get motivated on Mondays! Since I started calling Monday, Motivation Monday, I seem to be getting more accomplished. Try might work!


17 Days Until Thanksgiving...Counting Today.
If you are one of those people who can't wait for the yummy Thanksgiving spread, you sure don't have long to wait. I am one of those persons myself, who waits in mouth watering anticipation of the table full of special foods. But I must ask myself, why do most of us cook these foods we like so much only on special holidays? As a young bride, I found myself keeping my recipes which I liked the most, in reserve for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. These usually were things like Chicken and Noodles, Cranberry Stuff, Oyster Dressing or Scalloped Oysters (I know lots of you probably don't like these), Sage Dressing, Scalloped Corn, Pumpkin Pie, Pistacchio Salad, Pretzel Salad, etc.

Then one day I was hungry for one of these delights so I made it for a plain old ordinary nightly dinner. The kids went wild. They thought it was a holiday. Holding those recipes back was a huge waste of my special recipe lists for years and years. Cool Pumpkin Pie with a big dallop of cool whip tastes mighty good on a hot summer day. It might heat up the house using the oven, but if your tummy is happy, who cares that sweat runs down your face until the air conditioner catches up with the oven generated heat.

So nowdays, if I feel like making a special recipe which I used to reserve for holidays, I don't hestitate. I make it.....and eat it.....and love it. We should all try to do this to treat ourselves. Nowdays I make homemade noodles with about a dozen eggs and freeze what I don't use so I always have "Grandma's Noodles" as my oldest grandson always calls them. I challenge all of you to take out your recipes in the coming years and cook away. One never knows if tomorrow is around the corner so joyously eat, drink and be merry....a good Martha Stewart would say. Happy Monday!

Food Pantry.
Please think about donating canned or boxed foods to your local food pantry/food bank during the holidays or just anytime through the year. Many people have suffered some hard times in the last years, and now must depend on the distribution of food items by their local food pantries. But, with decreased United Way contributions , corporate donations at a standstill, and food processor donations dwindling, the regional food banks' shelves are nearly bare compared to a few years ago. These dwindling supplies mean much less availability to your local food pantry. Therefore, they must purchase food which seriously affects their reserved funds for future hand-outs. Be generous this year. Even a small amount counts when someone is hungry.
Greenview History.
Rural mail service from the Greenview post office was begun in 1902. William Calloway was the first mail carrier. He was followed by Timothy Hughes, who resigned in 1904 and George Busch followed. At one time there were five rural carriers all carrying at the same time. Some old-time names which some of you might remember through the years are: Park Horn and Claude Beauchamp. I remember both of those gentlemen from my younger days in Greenview.
November 9th Birthdays.
Lou Ferrigno age 58
Spiro Agnew age 91
Heddy Lamarr age 96
Happy Birthday if today is your special day!
Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear.
~~~Martin Luther King
Until we meet again. Here, There, or Anywhere

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