Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009 Wednesday

Famous People Born On This Day.
November 4 seems to be a day when lots of famous people were born. So, it must be a good day! Here's just a few:
~~~Will Rogers, 1879~~~Walter Cronkite, 1916~~~Art Carney, 1918
~~~Loretta Swit, 1937~~~Mathew McConaughey, 1969~~~Laura Bush, 1946

Happy Birthday to any of our readers!

Dinner With The Shephard Tonight.
Don't forget the free dinner at the Greenview Baptist Church tonight. Free, however, donations are accepted. 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Things Which Are Rude and Crude.
Lots of people do things which are rude and crude. I guess because they think they are king of the mountain. These type of people are typically controlling people who believe that everything they do is the only way to do it. They have no compassion for others and believe that others are not capable of doing things. They never compliment anyone on their work. But, typically the result of the controlling person's work shows their lack of skills and these same people have a tendancy to copy some text and ideas from others' work. If you talk to persons who have worked with or for these same people, these coworkers and employees say no good things about controlling type of persons Also, any persons who meet this person or just talk to them, typically can tell they have this type of crude and rude personality. The best example of a what this controller might do would be for the controlling person to ask another person to write something for a project, then the controller takes the work and completely redoes it because they think only they can do the best job. This is a very crude and rude person who does this type of thing. In the past I have tried to work with these type of people, but several times of being a victim of crude persons has taught me the best thing is to laugh behind their back....and you can bet your life I would never help them write anything in the future. They can do it themselves!!! Do you know people like this???? I bet you have met many in your lifetime.

Another example would be cutting in front of a person in line or out on the highway. It happens a lot on Route 29. People, coming from side roads, pull out in front of people driving on the highway. These types of actions, can easily cause wrecks.

And my last example is a person who comes up to you and tells you to your face that you look terrible. This should be kept to oneself even if the person doesn't look so good. The person telling others how horrible they look might be 50 pounds overweight and ugly as sin, but these type of people are rude and crude and they don't care who they hurt. I'm sure you know people like this.
The moral of this story is......I'm glad I'm carefree, and not the rude and crude type. Some people might read this and think I am telling you personally that you fit one of these descriptions but that's probably not the case, but there might be some that this fits. Sometimes we all need to make readjustments in how we act.

Today is a rather short news day in the old town. At least I don't know that anything major has happened overnight. Even though it sprinkled a bit of rain very early this morning, the sun is out and shining brightly this morning. Farmers have been able to start their harvest, which has caused the deer to run. Accidents, involving deer, are occurring all over the county according to the police scanner. So do be careful when driving. Perhaps tomorrow will be a better newsday.

If you have left Greenview, for greener pastures, know that the town was made better by your former residency. The story of the happenings in your life in this old town, becomes locked in the memories of the people who remain and in the annals of history. It can't be erased.
Auf Wiedersehen
So Long....
Until the next time!

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