Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tis Twrainy Out Tuesday - November 17, 2009

Hello World....Just Floating In From Greenview.
Yes, it's still raining here. We checked the rain gauge at about 4 am today and only had a little over an inch and a quarter, but that was after I dumped out 1.5 inches yesterday morning. Geeze! Our garden tractor is stuck in our slough and the water is over the deck. Dang it....we couldn't get the 4 wheel drive down there to pull it out. I just hope it doesn't float into the creek!

We've had enough rain. Since our joint wishes, for the rain to give us Greenviewanites a break, didn't work yesterday, I think we need to all do a reverse rain dance today. So... get up from your chairs and dance the Rainstop Stomp. It's easy to do....just put one of your hands on top of your head and pat it while putting your other hand on your tummy and start rubbing it.....all at the same time.....and stomp your feet for 20 seconds. This will probably assure that you will either help our efforts to stop the rain or you might even see yourself in the mirror and see how silly you look and say to yourself "how did that crazy woman talk me into doing this stupid Rainstop Stomp". But either way, you just had fun....and that's what's counts. You can't go through life being a stick in the mud and never having fun. So if you haven't already risen from your chair to do the Rainsstop Stomp....do it now!


Recipe From An Old Menard County Cookbook.
With Thanksgiving next week, it might be nice to have a dish of cinnamon apples to compliment your dinner. I plan to use this recipe as I know the grandkids will just love it. But I think I will cut the recipe in half and I might cut my apples in pieces and will probably leave out the food coloring.
Cinnamon Apples
2 cups sugar
2 tsp cinnamon or red hots candy
1 1/2 cups water
30 drops red food coloring
20 medium sized apples - core, pare and cut in half
Make a syrup of sugar, cinnamon, water and red food coloring. Cook apples in syrup until tender.

November 17 Birthdays.
Imogene Coca - 1908
Alan Shephard, Jr. - 1923 (first astronaut in space in 1961)
Linda Evans - 1942 (Dynasty's Krystle Carrington character)
Sinbad - 1956 (actor/comedian)
If your birthday is today, Happy Birthday!

Greenview News Is At A Standstill.
Until I find some more news to report on, my reserve is getting mighty low. I'm going to go to town later today to see if I can rustle up some gossip that's true instead of just gossip. Then I can report it on this blog.... Until then, I must say that's all folks!

Have A Good Day!
If a cluttered desk is the sign of a
cluttered mind,
what is the significance
of a clean desk?
~~~Laurence J. Peter

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