Saturday, November 21, 2009

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Off and running this weekend.

May the day be bright for you and your family. If you are planning to hunt a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner, may it already be cleaned and de-feathered. If you plan to hunt a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner, call your neighbor over before you start cleaning the turkey.....then, soon after your neighbor arrives, pretend to feel ill and ask the neighbor if he/she could clean the turkey. Lay down on the couch and really try to look ill. But, stay awake so you can boss the neighbor while the cleaning is occurring. Remember to tell the neighbor the pin feathers need to come out and tell the neighbor where the tweezers are located.... and be sure to tell the neighbor the turkey will be much better if the buckshot comes out too. The turkey might have to be frozen a bit to make sure it keeps until about Tuesday when it will be safe to take the turkey out of the freezer and thaw it out. So tell the neighbor where the freezer bags are kept and be sure the neighbor can find the freezer with ease.

If you want to take a chance and have your neighbor also come over on the morning of Thanksgiving to help you cook the dang turkey, be sure to tell the neighbor this afternoon that you think you have the flu and it might last a few days and tell the neighbor you'll keep in touch in case you need more help. Be sure to call the neighbor early on Thanksgiving morning so the turkey can be put in the oven at an early time. And, to be on the safe side, you might have to show the neighbor just how ill you are, so I suggest swallowing a couple of huge glasses of prune juice early on Thanksgiving morning. It will begin to do it's job in just a few hours. Then, you can prove to the neighbor that you have indeed been quite ill or just plain full of poop....which your neighbor probably already suspects that you are full of poop.

But anyway you look at it, be sure to have a good day, and save an extra glass of prune juice for me.....because you all know that I'm full of poop.

See you later my friends. Have a good weekend.

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