Thursday, April 26, 2012

Boredom Leads To .....

What do you think....does boredom lead to things?

To me boredom can cause many things which are either bad for our health or bad for us in general or downright terrible things like strange behavior......BUT....boredom can also result in creativeness and adventure and even healthy brain stimulation.

Give me a handful of gizmos or whatever and I usually can create something.....even if I'm bored.....and usually the more bored I am the better the result. 

But I know persons who bask in boredom and want even more....the more bored they are, the more bored they want to be.  To me ....if such persons don't find a healthy environment to entertain their mind, then boredom could very well lead to them becoming really an old loaf of bread.  To me, most persons who are responsible adults, can lift the life of boredom and would most likely be easily entertained in life.....doing creative things. it for you????  In today's environment of high gas prices, high food prices and everything else that's expensive, just managing your finances should keep everyone from being wrapped in the embraces of boredom.  Life should never be should be exhilarating.  So go for it....crawl out of your boredom hole if you're there!!!

Vintage Area things.....
(you can click on most pictures to get an enlarged view)

1901 Building Springfield Lincoln Library

1879 Illinois legislature in session.

Lincoln....Sheers Buggies with the
court house in back

Area corn shelling in 1964.  Corn shelling at that date was still
a viable business, however, it wasn't long after that farmers began buying columbines which would not only pick corn but also shell it.  My father did custom corn shelling .... farmers would hire him
to shell their corn from their grain bins.

Petersburg New Salem.  Lincoln-Berry Store

Quote For The Day

Honesty is the first chapter
of the book of wisdom.
--Thomas Jefferson

I understand that internet dating is becoming really popular... and even on church internet dating sites... That's not anything I would want to do......maybe someone who finds a jerk on the internet dating site can use this "Love" (??) poem.

I thought I loved you, even tho I don't know you
Let me count the 10 ways you killed my internet love
Way one....your filthy mouth stinks
Way fart too much and I can hear it on skype
Way're too fat
Way four.....your mouth is too large
Way're too short
Way don't have enuf money
Way think you're smart but you aren't
Way eight.....your feet stink and I can smell them through skype they are so bad
Way need to wise up
Way ten.....find someone else, do I need to say more?

Hope that internet admirer got the message!!??

Thank you for coming to my blog.
(blog and posts are protected under copyright)

Hope to see you again soon.

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