Friday, April 6, 2012

Majestic Words

Seven Majestic Words....Patience, Diligence,Compassion, Kindness, Charity, Temperance, Humility,

Huge words in the English language.  These are descriptive words.  If you don't have these, you might be considered flawed.  Flawed to the point of no return in some cases.

First take the word Patience.  Do you lash out?  Do you scream at fellow workers or family members?  Or, do you take the time to think about a response.  Are you calm even in a crisis situation? Patience is a virtue of oneself which is admirable.  Others see you as a calm person who has their head on straight.

On to Diligence.  Is your work ethic strong?  Are you persistent in your endeavors.  Persistence is always good unless you drive yourself to the point where persistence overrides intent and you overdo the situation.  Your diligence is then too much.  But diligence and patience will show others your integrity.  And integrity is so needed to get along in this world.

Now comes three majestic words which are interrelated.  Compassion, kindness and charity.  Compassion for your fellow man is highly admirable.  Kindness goes along with that but, you should always make sure that you don't get in a situation where you are over doing....what people call overkilling with kindness.  Then persons begin to think you're fake.  Compassion is probably one of man's/women's best virtues.  Sympathy for a person or being who is suffering is wonderful. It shows you care with feeling.  And, usually you also want to offer help of some sort.  A true human feeling.  Charity goes along with the other two words.  Charity can mean offering a material or financial gift, which shows your generosity.  And, usually with no thought of expecting something in return.  But, charity also means love for mankind.

The next word is temperance.  This virtue is so important.  Temptation can come to you and try to suck you under.  But temperance or self-restraint can hold you back.  Self control of your own life is absolutely necessary and will assure that your behavior is admired.

The last word is humility.  Some persons don't even know what humility is or stands for.  In my book of definitions it means being respectful of others.  What better way to gain friendships and the respect of others than to practice humility in every endeavor. 

The words above are almost the seven wonders of the world.  But for real they are virtues we could all claim.  Without these, our lives could be in turmoil or in shambles or full of flaws or black holes.  If you know someone who doesn't embrace these seven wonders of the world words, help them to do just that.  Explain how a person could be different to the point where they are admired.  A person sometimes has to be led to the water to learn the true meaning.  Hold out your hand.  Jesus did.  He saved all of us.

Happy Easter

Celebrate Life

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