Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Does A Martian Look

Martians are kind of weird!

Now how do you suppose I know what a Martian looks like!!  I believe with all my heart that I have seen several Martians in my lifetime.  Where you might ask.? I can only tell you that I think I have and they were right in my house. 

And when did this happen?  I believe the last time was about 10 years ago.  I remember going out on the town and having a few (well maybe quite a few) bottles of Hornsby's Hard Cider.  Boy is that stuff good.  And potent too.  But anyways, after having a night out on the town, I went home to bed. The bed (not me) might have been a bit tipsy that night as it was kind of swaying or turning on its own if I remember right.  Dang I hate those beds that move to another place on their own.

All at once I heard squeaking and a voice that was rather whiny.  It appeared that it was from a Martian.  So I raised my head and tried to get a good look so that I could write down a description or maybe draw a sketch.  That Martian was really there I'm just sure it was a Martian.  I think it was a male, but he had some bosoms,  and he/she had big old eyes that looked like a fly's eyes magnified about three hundred times.  I think I could see my own reflection in his/her eyeballs....and wow did I look awful....kind of glassy eyed myself but I laid that down to being scared as heck of this Martian.

That Martian wasn't a green-green as everyone else has said.  He/she was a blue-green.  And he/she also wasn't small either.  He/she was about my height and had hair about my color and about my length.  Wow he /she was kind of scary looking.

He/she didn't hurt me at all.  I don't remember him/her prodding me or touching me....he/she just kind of moaned every once in a while and kind of squeaked and whined.  It's hard to remember now, but I think he/she was kind of nice.

The next morning I carefully got out of bed, not wanting to lose my prospective about what happened through the night.  I wanted to get up and find a pencil and write down the description and maybe draw a composite picture.  But first I had to move the dang floor length mirror from beside the bed.  I remembered that I moved that mirror when I was getting ready the night before....it was smack up against the bed on my side.  I might as well ask that mirror a few questions...."Mirror Mirror on the stand, do you remember the Martian?  Did he/she look into you to see himself/herself"? 

That dang mirror didn't say a thing, but when I looked into the mirror I looked like that Martian.  I was still kind of blue-green with a sick feeling stomach.  My eyes were all bugged out and my hair was standing straight up in the air.

So here I am, documenting to the world my description of the Martian I saw.  I imagine there have been a lot of similar descriptions.....some after a night on the town....and some just because.  This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Old Tyme Greenview

From the Greenview Scrapbook ( believe this was written in 1975):

The Volunteer Fire Department in Greenview is certainly worthy of our very great appreciation.  This operation began in 1951 I have been told.  Many of the older fellows who helped with the early planning are not with us today.  Earl Eldridge is one of them.  Ted Miller and George Merrihew have also hung in there all these years and aren't we glad they have.  Dusty Despain was the first fire chief and Donald Lockart was the second.  Cecil Ratliff is the present fire chief.  Bob Conkling is the assistance to the chief.  Ted Miller is President, Garret Evers, Vice President, Homer Tice, Secretary.  At the very first the officers were elected for 1-2-3 years.  The county board approved of the men selected.  The method of choosing the men to be elected has changed as there are no 1-2-3 years. 

Equipment over the past years, of course, has been added and improved.  There is a pumper 1000 gallon water wagon and a tank truck pumper for rural sue.  The fires tax is still 1.25 mill.  The area our volunteers serve is approximately five miles each direction.  This group, when called upon for assistance at Mason City, Middletown or Athens may go for a fee.  There are twenty volunteers at present.  They are:  Chief, Cecil Ratliff; Asst. Chief, Bob Stone; Asst. Bob Conkling; Don Case; Bud Deckard; Jim Evers;  Reggie Harbin; John Miller, Jr.; Leo Miller; Keith Moore; Ronald Moore; Bill Moore; Jim McQuinn; Ken Marcum; Howard McGlasson; Bob O'Brien; Dick Ratliff; John Riedle; Jim Willis; Glenn Tuttle; Duane Tisdale; Dorothy Conkling, radio operator; and Joan Stone, Asst.

The annual budget for the Fire department is approximately $12,000.  When the fire call comes, the Fire Department number has been assigned to David Cramer's.  Emma Meehan used to have the Fire Department number.  The latest addition to our very efficient Department is the two way radio.

Thought For The Day
My tastes are simple:
I am easily satisfied with the best.
--Winston Churchill

When a thought comes into my mind from which I can write an article, I call it a light bulb moment.  Sometimes the bulb burns like a 250 watt bulb and sometimes the bulb in my mind burns like a nightlight.

Today the bulb is burning like a nightlight that is ready to burn out.....so for that reason.....I'm done for today.  See you next time.

Thanks for coming to my blog.
(this blog and posts are protected under copyright laws)

Hope to see you again.

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