Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Elephant Sat On My Easter Bunny

Awww Shucks!

The Easter bunny didn't come to my house this year, but every year he does.  I was so upset when I got up that morning and found that he had forgotten me.  Depressing, believe me.  'Cause I love those dang chocolate bunny eggs!!

So.....yesterday afternoon I went for a walk out in the back yard, out on the hill.  Lo and behold I first came across some big piles of something gray and icky.  It sure didn't belong in my yard.  But I didn't know what it was.

I walked a bit further and found some fuzzy fur.  ????????????????Then I began to find more fur.  Then I walked a bit further and found a couple of chocolate eggs.  Then the ultimate......I found an Easter basket with my name on it.  So....the Easter bunny actually was coming to my house.  But, just didn't make it.  Wahhhhhh!  Yay he didn't forget me. 

 But what happened to the Easter Bunny?  Then, up ahead, I see something in a heap.  The poor Easter Bunny was lying there but he was no more.  And beside him sat a big pile of something which looked like elephant dung....and it smelled like it too.  It was elephant dung.

I'm not sure how that elephant dung got there.  Last week I found gator dung out there on that same hill.  I think that particular gator escaped from someone in town after one of his gator episodes but, did/does that gator fighter also fight elephants? Who knows.... I just know that gator fighter is fearless.  Or, maybe there was a circus in the area and the elephant escaped and maybe even the gator.  Or maybe one escaped from somewhere else.  But, how did the elephant come to be on my hill and just as the Easter bunny was about to deliver.

Now you know how bad my luck is.  On my most favorite chocolate candy days, an unknown escaped elephant is out in my yard, and steps on the Easter bunny, just as he is ready to bring me a basket with my name on it.  Candy being lost is a crime in itself.  But to kill the Easter bunny is a crime punishable with confinement for life.

If you see an elephant running around, call me so I can call the gator fighter to see if he can capture the critter.  That elephant needs to be in jail for good!  Smashed bunny is just too much for this person to handle without my quota of chocolate for the year.

Old Time Fairgrounds

1910 Machinery Hall Illinois Fairgrounds

Fairgrounds Happy Hallow.....early 1940's

Springfield Fairgrounds Happy Hallow....postcard
with 2 cent postage.  Unknown date but probably early 1900's.  The current permanent Springfield location came into existence in 1894....until then the fair moved from as far north as Freeport to as far south as DuQuoin.

1920....Construction of the underground tunnel from the track infield to the fairgrounds.

1910 Postcard....Sears Agricultural Building
on the Fairgrounds

The fairgrounds racetrack behind the Sears
Agricultural Building

Early postcard photo of Fairgrounds Entrance

Thought For The Day
Someone's boring me.  I think it's me.
--Dylan Thomas

I want, you want, they want, he wants, she wants.....everybody wants these days.  And it's usually money.

The bill collector doth cometh sayeth the Lord of bill paying.  Payday has become exchange day....from the hand of the employer paycheck to the bill collectors/gas station/electrical company/cable company/internet provider/credit card companies/grocer. Does that sound familiar??

Me thinks the paycheck is getting smaller and the bills are getting bigger.  Hmmmm.  What can be done about that?? grin and bear it.  Or don't drive anywhere....or don't eat.....don't heat your house.....use internet......etc, etc....

I think I will grin and bear it thank you.  Enuf said!

Thank you for coming to my blog.
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Hope to see you again soon!

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