Friday, April 27, 2012

High Cost of Politics

What you read isn't always right.......

My dad might not have had the best education in the world but he was very smart.   He was brilliant in mathematics.  Many times he told me that the two conversation topics that a person never wants to enter into are.....religion and politics.  And, wow, was he ever right.

When a person starts discussing their political beliefs in my presence, it's best that I remain silent and based on what I've seen this year, so should a lot of others.  No one is perfect and especially political candidates, but these days, when it's election year, each person's choice of candidate or political party is perfect no matter what the candidate/party thinks, says, or does.

As I read some of the politically related posts or ones which contain articles which were written to exaggerate the situation, rule, law or happening on the social networks, I just about bust out laughing at some of them.  So many of the articles which are being shared have been written with a political agenda in one checks the facts and even when someone adds a posts which completely discredits the shared post, everyone ignores the actual and correct interpretation.  Whatever has been written by the political party at the moment and in the post, is always correct, even when it isn't.   It seems to me that one political party is worse than the other when it comes to writing and posting and sharing these incorrect and exaggerated posts.  Their aim is to get the word out....even when the word is erroneous.  That to me is unfair to the American public.  I personally want to form my opinions based on something factual and not written to advance a certain political figure or party.

I'm not stating what my political party choice is these days.  If you state what party you're affiliated with,  you seem to be labelled.   There are certain geographical areas of the country which seem to be of one party and then in another part of the country, the other political party may reign. 

I may have strong beliefs, but that's my right.  Just as every person has the right to believe the content of erroneous messages written with a political slant if they want.  I would just encourage persons that in any political election year,  everything you read isn't always accurate......form your opinions on truth and not the fever of advancing a political party.  Rant over.  Sorry dad I had to use politics as the subject today!!

Old Pictures

Springfield public square
1835 - 1865
We know this as the Old State Capitol
in downtown Springfield.

A 1903 postcard showing the
Sattley Plow Works and the Post Office in Springfield, IL.

Springfield Motel
U.S. 66 North

Sheraton Inn, 3090 Stevenson Drive
This Inn has been demolished.

Quote For The Day
I know for sure that what we dwell on
is who we become.
--Oprah Winfrey

Who has gone to the store and bought one of those ever pinching Lobsters....ALIVE!!  Well I have.....those pinchers begin to reach for your arm, your hair, and especially your nose.  Those dang lobsters have a thing for people noses.  I call them Angry Seafood!!

I think that live lobsters have the feeling that if they can just get to your nose, you won't follow through with the cooking and will throw them out.  Where in the world do these lobsters think that people in the Midwest are going to throw them?  Do they think there is an ocean around every corner.  Or, do they think the pond in the back year will do....that dinky dingy dirty pond which is about 2.5 feet deep. 

Can you imagine growing lobsters in the back yard?  And, if that nose pinching lobster thinks I'm going to buy another nose pinching lobster so that he has company in that dirty backyard pond, he's nose pinching lobster is enough for me.

Besides,  I have a perfectly reasonable disposal for these  angry nose pinching lobsters......the cooking pot.....if they're pinching and searching for your nose, get him in the boiling pot as soon as you can....just avoid those lethal pinchers.  Once they get your nose, you will be these angry seafood live lobsters love the taste of noses. They will pinch it off in a New York minute.....they are quick.....believe me......that's why I look a bit weirdo these days....half of my nose is gone from one of those angry seafood monsters.  Too bad they didn't get my needed to have some pinched off.

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Hope to see you again soon!

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